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Author(s): Chris Eames, Rachel Bolstad, and Josie Roberts
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Author(s): Ria Bright and Chris Eames

The climate strikes of 2019, an extraordinary worldwide phenomenon, swiftly and succinctly showed the world the collective concern of youth. What insights might curriculum planning for climate-...

Author(s): Sylvia Reynolds

Recycling is often included in lists of things that can be done to mitigate climate change. Recycling is not a “bad’ thing, but recycling alone is an insufficient response to the complex problems...

Author(s): Robyn Zink

Climate change is described as the defining issue of our time. There are many climate-change teaching resources that cover the science of climate change and actions to make a difference. However,...

Free full text: PDF icon Set2020_3_018.pdf
Author(s): Simon Taylor and Ben Jones

This study examined the role of a future-oriented scenario with secondary school students using diorama construction which included climate-change knowledge and envisioning alternative futures. To...

Free full text: PDF icon Set2020_3_023.pdf
Author(s): Rachel Bolstad

International climate agreements say education can play a key role in responding to the global challenge of climate change. My team and I are currently carrying out research to help build a...

Free full text: PDF icon Set2020_3_030.pdf
Author(s): Chris Eames, Jenny Ritchie, Sally Birdsall, and Andrea Milligan

This article provides a critical commentary on the recently released learning programme, Climate Change: Prepare Today, Live Well Tomorrow (Climate Change programme). The Climate Change programme...

Author(s): Sally Birdsall

Young people are worried about the impacts that climate change will have on their lives. Educators need learning programmes that can help students to manage these dark emotions and become more...

Author(s): Sara Tolbert, Glynne Mackey, Richard Manning, Bronwyn Hayward, and Hūhana-Suzanne Carter

In this article, we discuss the importance of developing the skills of ecological citizenship for teachers and students. In particular we consider how we can support teaching practice to develop...

Author(s): Sarah Alice Hopkinson

This commentary focuses on philosophical underpinnings that could guide a sea change in approaches to sustainability within English-medium curricula in Aotearoa. Framed optimistically, it engages...