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State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory - 2 (STAXI-2)

The STAXI-2 was developed to assess state anger, trait anger, and anger expression and to measure the way these components contribute to medical conditions. To investigate the effects of anger on mental and physical disorders, the experience of anger must be clearly distinguished from anger expression and anger control.

Scales assess anger intensity and frequency

  • The State Anger scale assesses the intensity of anger as an emotional state at a particular time; it includes three subscales.
  • The Trait Anger scale measures how often angry feelings are experienced over time; it includes two subscales.
  • The Anger Expression and Anger Control scales assess four relatively independent anger-related traits: expression of angry feelings toward other persons or objects in the environment (Anger Expression-Out), holding in or suppressing angry feelings (Anger Expression-In), controlling angry feelings by preventing the expression of anger toward other persons or objects in the environment (Anger Control-Out), and controlling suppressed angry feelings by calming down or cooling off (Anger Control-In).
  • The Anger Expression Index is an overall measure of total anger expression.
  • Helps you identify individuals who tend to suppress their anger—a practice associated with health issues such as hypertension.
  • Raw score to T-score and percentile conversions provided for all scales and subscales by gender.

Interpretive software available

The unlimited-use STAXI-2:IR, by Peter R. Vagg, PhD and Charles D. Spielberger, PhD, provides interpretation of STAXI-2 scores based on hand-entry of item scores. The software examines an individual’s scale and subscale scores and generates a comprehensive interpretive report based on research findings.

Child and Adolescent version available here.

Test Abbreviation: 
Registration Level: 
16 +
Country of origin: 
Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.
5 - 10 minutes
Work Area: 

Products available for this test

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All prices include GST

Product code Product title Price
8369IB STAXI-2: Reusable Item Booklets (pk25) $205.00
8369PF STAXI-2: Profile Forms (pk50) $270.00
8369RS STAXI-2: Rating Sheets (pk50) $270.00
8369C STAXI-2: Introductory Kit $755.00