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James Beavis

Job Title: 
Kaitohu Mahi Pāpāho, Mahi Tauhokohoko | Communications and Marketing Advisor

James is an experienced communications strategist with a background in business process improvement, marketing, and creative and evaluative writing. He has led not-for-profit marketing functions and editorial departments, and brings a critical, creative eye to the NZCER mahi.

As our Kaitohu Mahi Pāpāho, Mahi Tauhokohoko | Communications and Marketing Advisor, he will apply his skill set to NZCER's print, digital, email and social strategies and processes, strengthening our voice and amplifying the reach of our research and publications. 


Recent whitepapers: 

Lorimer, B., Talarico, B., Beavis, J. (2022). The Inside View: Tumuaki Strategic Planning for 2022-24. Auckland: Springboard Trust. 

Leeson, H., Duignan, S., Wehrle, D. & Beavis, J. (2020). Connecting with principals: New Zealand principal perspectives on education through COVID-19. Auckland: Springboard Trust.