Set 2022: no. 1

Set 2022: no. 1

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E te whānau o Set: Research Information for Teachers, tēnā koutou. Nau mai haere mai ki te whakaputanga tuatahi mō te tau 2022. E ngā kaituhi, he mihi nui ki a koutou mō ō koutou rangahau hou. He mihi maioha ki te rangatira, Te Hurinui Karaka-Clarke, me te whānau i Te Kura Whakangungu Kaiako o te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha, mō te tuhituhinga hira, “Ko Ngā Kete o te Wānanga: A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Mātauranga Māori”. The opening article by Te Hurinui Karaka-Clarke and co-… Read more

The Ministry of Education’s recent changes to NCEA to incorporate mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori has become the source of consternation for many kaiako in secondary schools in Aotearoa New Zealand. Kaiako are struggling to understand what integrating mana ōrite and mātauranga Māori into their programmes looks like. This article is intended as a lay person’s guide to understanding two things. First, what the terms mana ōrite and mātauranga Māori are, and secondly, what… Read more

This article reports from a Teacher-led Innovation Fund project that investigated connecting practices and resources for mathematical learning between a kindergarten and the first year of school. Teachers at both sites were teacher-researchers in the 2-year project. Our results highlighted expected and unexpected aspects of connections and connecting practices. Language played a critical role, and even brief drops of language were used by teachers to identify opportunities for further… Read more

This article, based on a 2-year study of working strategically with Years 5 to 8 priority learners, concludes that what is effective writing instruction for all students is particularly effective for priority learners. It also suggests, however, that knowing your students well and making adaptations to some dimensions of effective writing instruction—especially teachers’ strategic use of writing tasks and goals, direct and differentiated instruction, and instruction that promotes student… Read more

The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature and understanding of online talk in a New Zealand primary-school context. This research consisted of a small-scale case study of the #NZReadaloud, a pre-existing literacy programme, over 6 weeks in mid-2020. A private online group on the education platform Edmodo was established where 14 students and four teachers participating in the study could discuss a text being read aloud in their classrooms. These discussions, along with eight… Read more

Assessment News first announced the launch of the New Zealand Assessment Institute (NZAI) 4 years ago, and this current article looks at how NZAI has progressed, highlighting its key publications and activities from 2021. This update should be of use to teachers and school leaders who want to explore assessment more deeply, gain practical tips, or hook into NZAI’s developments during 2022 and beyond.