Journals Search Journal Browse Journal All Issues Current Issue Online First Journal Info Editorial Board Journal Description Journal Permissions Submission Guidelines Subscribe Alerts and Contact Subscribe How do home-based co-ordinators support educators to notice, recognise, and respond to children’s learning? Authors Sally Peters, Tracey Hooker, Sue Biggar, and Frances Bleaken Abstract In home-based early childhood networks, co-ordinators play a key role in supporting educators to provide quality education for children. This article investigates what co-ordinators can do to effectively support educators to enhance their work with children, including providing supportive advice and on-the-job training. Downloads Citation Peters, S., Hooker, T., & Biggar, S. (2008). How do home-based co-ordinators support educators to notice recognise and respond to children’s learning? Early Childhood Folio, 12, 41–45. Keywords Early childhood Early childhood education Learning Home schooling Purchase the full text download for this article or subscribe NZ$25.00 Please select Evaluative reasoning in public-sector evaluation in Aotearoa New Zealand: How are we doing?Kaupapa Māori action research in a Whānau Ora collective: An exemplar of Māori evaluative practice and the findingsWairua and cultural values in evaluationFinding our way: Cultural competence and Pākehā evaluatorsCultural fit: An important criterion for effective interventions and evaluation workUnpacking the evaluator’s toolbox: Observations on evaluation, privilege, equity and justiceEditorialEditorialThe emergence of evaluation as a global enterprise: Keynote at the 2015 Conference of the Aotearoa New Zealand Evaluation AssociationEvaluating in traumatic contexts: Considering the contextual, ethical, emotional, and political aspectsDeveloping a thoughtful approach to evaluation: Values-driven guidelines for novice evaluatorsDevelopmental evaluation: A tool to support innovationTe Ara Hou—A new pathway for leading Māori success as Māori“Dancing with data”: Investing in capacity building for non-government organisations (NGOs)Negotiating solidarity between indigenous and transformative paradigms in evaluationErratumWhat is “Evaluation Matters—He Take Tō Te Aromatawai: Online First”?Evaluation and innovation: Challenging the single narrativeNext generation evaluation: Shaping better futures in Aotearoa New ZealandAccountability and development? 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Action Research to Enable Girls' Mathematics LearningDifficult-to-Teach Junior School ChildrenTaking Care of Themselves: Children can do better than we thinkAfter School, and in the HolidaysFamily Networks: Who cares for the caregiver while the caregiver's caregiving?It Was Good Fun Getting Here, But What Do I Do Now? A Survey of those who hold the New Zealand Playcentre National Supervisors CertificateTeachers College Students Who Are Also ParentsObservation: The Basic TechniquesThe Use of Video Recording for the Study of Young ChildrenWho Cares for Children? The opening address to the second Early Childhood Care and Development Convention, Christchurch, August, 1979.New Optimism about Pre-school Education: Three Reports from Ypsilanti, MichiganMaternal Deprivation – Fact or Fallacy?How Many People Can a Young Child Feel Secure With?Who Doesn't Get to Pre-School in Newtown?Playgroup EcologyThe Pre-School EnvironmentIs Open Space Just Empty Space?How Important is Fantasy Play?Second Language Education of Young ChildrenDon't Take that Dress Off James! Have we got anywhere in trying to remove sex-role stereotyping in pre-schools and junior school classes? Young Children's Ordering BehaviourWho Talks to William? and Karla, and Susan, and Michael, and ...? Adult-child interaction, particularly conversation, in early-childhood centres.Parents – the Untapped Resource in Special EducationThe Importance of Being FatherTV and Five Year Olds: The Teacher's View. A report from the Going to School ProjectPre-School VolunteersCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentEditorialChinese immigrants in New Zealand early childhood settings: Perspectives and experiencesThe interview: Jane RitchieExploring te ao Māori: The role of museumsThe five debates: Simplifying the contemporary play literatureLooking, listening-in and making meaning: An infant's encounters at childcareWellbeing and narrative identityChildren's working theories: The neglected sibling of Te Whāriki's learning outcomesPedagogy beyond the gate: The Ngahere ProjectThe interview: Geraldine McDonaldThe early childhood–school relationship: Overcoming invisible barriersApplying a model of participation rights in home-based early childhood settings: A case studyWhakapapa: Culturally valid assessment in early childhoodCentre–parent communication about children’s learningEditorialBeyond “killing, screaming and being scared of insects”: Learning and teaching about biodiversity in early childhood educationCommentMarie BellResponding authentically to Pasifika children's learning and identity developmentDispositional teaching in early childhood educationPrincipled practices: Respect and reciprocity through linguistically responsive pedagogySupporting diversity: Picture books featuring same-gender parental familiesExploring ratios and group size as indicators of quality in the New Zealand and Japanese early childhood contextTōku mātauranga oranga: Making visible the learning journey from early childhood education into schoolBuilding culturally respectful learning spaces for Aboriginal childrenTwenty-six days with “Christa” Using autoethnography in reflective practice in early childhood educationDemocracy in early childhood education How information and communication technology contributes to democratic pedagogy and practicesRecent policy developments and the “schoolification” of early childhood care and education in Aotearoa New ZealandMaking changes or holding on: Early childhood teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand engage in identity workQuestions that matter, conversations that count: Implementing critical literacy with young childrenDigital technologies, play, and learningCommentComment“We know what to say—do we know what to do?” Confronting the disconnection between legislation, policy, and practices for inclusion of young children with disabilitiesA safe path: Giftedness in the early yearsEarly childhood teachers’ perspectives on, and experiences of, multicultural educationHow might teachers enrich children’s working theories? Getting to the heart of the matterHe Huarahi Aromatawai— Assessment JourneysTransforming relationships and curriculum: Visiting family homesCommentTransition portfolios: Another tool in the transition keteCommunication that supports positive relationships between preschools and schools at the time of children’s transitionTransition to school: A Swedish perspectiveParent decision-making about early childhood education: Reducing barriers to participationShifting realities: Immigrant teacher transitions into early childhood settings in Aotearoa New Zealand Mapping transitionsPOET programme interviewsComment“I want to say…”: Privileging young children’s voices in iPad-supported assessment for learningParent, whānau, and teacher engagement through online portfolios in early childhood educationAssessment for learning: A comparative study of paper-based portfolios and online ePortfoliosBeyond the gate: A case study of dispositional learning from kindergarten to schoolKia tau te rangimārie: Towards peace-centred, Te Whāriki-based practiceHow do teachers build strong relationships? A study of teaching practices to support child learning and social–emotional competenceCommentE tipu e rea: Messages for early childhood practiceThe initiating parent voice: Placing the child at the heart of the dialogue about learning Impacts and implications of early childhood education social obligationsFamily composition as depicted in the New Zealand Picture Book CollectionSelf-review processes: Using critical discourse analysis to improve practices in early childhood education settingsA pedagogy of listeningComment“You have to start with something”: Picture books to promote understandings of queer cultures, gender, and family diversityRainbows, sameness, and other working theories about identity, language, and culture One centre’s approach to supporting cross-cultural learning and contributionVoices of playgroup: Connecting pedagogy and understandingsCulturally diverse parenting: An Australian studyDoing “belonging” in a Swedish preschoolCommentOur voices: Culturally responsive, contextually located infant and toddler caregivingTwo year olds in ECE: A policy issue for New Zealand?King Solomon and the baby: Children’s health in early childhood educationNgā reo e toru: “Trissessment”—from invitation to expectationSchema learning theory: Enhancing practice within sociocultural teaching, learning and assessmentEmbracing the spirit of ako: Growing partnerships between parents, early childhood educators and researchersSPECIAL ISSUE CALL FOR PAPERS—Children and childhoods: Agency, participation and contributionSPECIAL ISSUE CALL FOR PAPERS—Children and childhoods: Agency, participation and contributionCommentAnne B. Smith 1940−2016: The passing of a great friend, a great scholar and a great advocate for the rights of women and childrenLocal issues on the global stage: Reporting on the UN Convention on the Rights of the ChildConsent, assent and dissent: A case study of one child’s understanding of researchHe waka eke noa: A case study of active participation for a disabled child in an inclusive early childhood community of practiceChildhood undergrounds: Power, resistance, secrets, objects and subversion in early childhood educationToddler agency and conversation analysisTuākana/tēina agency in early childhood educationCommentMathematics in early childhood: Nourishing and nurturing Te KakanoBeyond activities: Exploring real questions for deeper understandings of children’s interestsLeading from a distance: Adopting a heterarchy for building leadership capacityHow do teachers support children’s social–emotional competence? Strategies for teachersYoung children’s creativity in natural outdoor settingsLearning English as an additional language in early childhood settings: How do educators support young children?CommentPedagogical intentions: Enacting a “refreshed” bicultural curriculum positioned at the crossroads of colonial relations, biocultural education, and critical literacyA fantastical journey: Re-imagining Te WhārikiRefreshing our work with infants and toddlers: Mantras from theory and research into practice Exploring new approaches to pathways from early childhood education to schoolLittle boxes, rambling houses, and children’s agencyCreating a rich curriculum through intentional teachingCommentThe influence of Frozen: Young children, performative gender, and popular culturePedagogical strategies that support young children’s civic action: An example from AotearoaPedagogical dialogues with 2 year olds in “preschool” settings: What do they look like?Using puppets to support children’s prosocial thinking and action: “What would we tell Pig and Frog to do?”Children in branches: Navigating the complexity of tree climbing in early childhood educationEarly childhood teacher health and wellbeing: Rights, risks, and implicationsSpecial Issue: Call for PapersBeyond teacher/parent separation: Questioning the 100% qualified teacher policyWhat do they do all day? Exploring the complexity of early childhood teachers’ workWho am I as an early childhood teacher? Who would I like to be?Sooner, rather than later: Addressing leadership development in ECE—A response to the 2019–29 Strategic Plan for Early LearningThe brave and the foolhardy: Excursions in early childhood contexts in Aotearoa New ZealandChildren’s rights and the draft Strategic Plan for Early Learning: Where are the children?People, places and things: Implications for New Zealand’s Strategic Plan for Early LearningCommentThe promise of Te Whāriki (2017): Insights into teachers’ and leaders’ perspectives on teaching, learning and assessment of literacy in the revised curriculumUnderstanding ableism: A teaching and learning tool for early childhood education practitionersAn "open letter to teachers"A collaborative approach to transitions in DannevirkeUnderstanding the motivation of associate teachers in early childhood educationProfessionalism in early childhood teaching: A posthumanist perspectiveCommentNegotiating wellbeing and belonging in an early childhood centre: What children’s conflicts can teach usFacebook: A place to build relationships and to collaboratively support each family’s journey to schoolMana whenua / Belonging through assessment: A kōhanga reo perspectiveTreasure boxes: A strategy for encouraging belongingFostering belonging through cultural connections: Perspectives from parentsWhenuatanga: Our places in the worldCommentBuilding a data culture to enhance quality teaching and learningLanguage strategies for “Early Childhood Education”? Newspeak and He Taonga te Tamaiti Purposeful problem-solving practices in Te Kākano“But I had it first!” Young children, possession, and social problem solving Space speaks: A portrait of an early childhood centre and the affordances provided by the learning environment A research portrait of Greerton Early Learning Centre: Infant and Toddler Centre, Emmett Street, Greerton, TaurangaVoices from the field: Insights into the mental wellbeing of early childhood leadersCommentA sensory landscape of place as an invitation to belonging in early childhood settingsDemocratic practice in early childhood education: A world of possibilities for the young childA conversation about preservice teacher professional identities within initial teacher education spaces and placesThe impact of noise in early childhood settings: A New Zealand perspectiveWorking with others: An investigation of early childhood education and care centre relationships with external organisationsWorking theories: Current understandings and future directionsComment Supporting toddlers as competent story navigators across home and early childhood contextsVisionary women: Sustaining the language and culture in Samoan early childhood centres Japanese children’s experiences in New Zealand early childhood education settingsProvoking opportunities for science in early childhood educationExploring the positive discipline practices of parents of children aged 1–5 years in Aotearoa New Zealand Barriers to and facilitators of inclusion and equity in the workplace for diverse early childhood kaiakoSupporting language, culture and identity using Pacific picturebooks CommentTe Puna Pukapuka Pikitia: Picturebooks as a medium for supporting development of te reo rangatira with kindergarten whānauAn examination of factors related to the co-construction of pedagogical documentation in early learning settingsRecognising young children as mathematicians: Connecting mathematical concepts to practices, pedagogy, and playInsights into Indian immigrant children’s and parents’ experiences of New Zealand early childhood educationUnderstanding disability as socially and culturally constructed – what does this mean for inclusive early childhood education?Teachers’ views of young children’s citizenship in Aotearoa: Discourses and power complexities Young children co-constructing stories with teachersOobleck, cloud dough, popcorn and volcanoes: Supporting scientific learning through intentional teachingWeaving in data knowledge about sustained shared thinking enhances early childhood education practiceResponding to the pandemic: Changing the assessments in early childhood practicum placements by strengthening voice and agencyCommentComment Connecting and communicating: Story interactions in the early yearsMaking sense of Te Whāriki a te Kōhanga Reo through toi Māori: A whānau approachPromoting kaitiakitanga using picturebooksA space for critique: Opening up the world with young children, through the possibilities of critical pedagogy“I need energy to make my brain work”: Supporting children, teachers and whānau through the KidsCan ECE programmeLooking through a spiritual lens to shape inclusive practices for children with additional learning needsCommentUnderstanding Middle Eastern parents’ expectations for their children’s early education in New Zealand: Early childhood teachers’ perspectivesFinding ourselves: E hoki koe ki ō maunga kia purea koe e ngā hau a TāwhirimāteaFrom the shallows to the deep—connecting to Mauao with head and heart “I think my knowledge of intentional teaching is coming from those around me ...”: Intentional teaching and Te Whāriki Including autistic children in mainstream early childhood and care settings: What teachers doHidden stories of our landscapes: Walking and mapping the land with children Deliberate acts of virtual communication: Cellphones as a tool to enhance student learning and engagementLearning through moderation: Minding our languageICT in support of science teaching and learning: Teaching landforms and erosionTeachers as learners: Developing a community of learners through inquiryReflections on being “labelled” by National Standards“21st century thinking”: Hornby High School’s journey so farWhat do student teachers learn from their students?Revised PAT: Listening ComprehensionTeaching young people to learn to swimCan we improve our school governance?A possible future? Senior secondary education in the year 2030Alternative education todayBuilding students' research expertise: history as a case studyDeveloping the teachers we need for the schools we wantDusting off the Teacher's ManualsEarly experiences of longer learning periods at Alfriston CollegeEffective use of Reading Recovery in low-decile schoolsEmpowering students to become self-regulating writers: THE JOURNEY OF ONE CLASSEstimation exposedFAQs about the new PAT: Reading testsFive questions worth asking about self-regulated learningFormative assessment and the ARB websiteFrequently asked questions about assessmentGetting our heads around percentilesA hitchhiker's guide to reliabilityA hitchhiker's guide to validityHome–school partnerships. What are they really?How students interpret poetry: findings from Assessment Resource Banks trials"I know something about forces." Self-regulated learning during science investigations in a junior classroomIf "research" is the answer, what was the question?Information literacy and student researchLonger learning periods for the secondary school day: What does research say?Making school-driven innovations happenMaking sense of measurement scalesOPENING UP A NEW WORLD: Reluctant readers' use of The Game and other storiesReflecting on mathematics journals: The kaleidoscope effectSelf-regulated learning in mathematics classesSome musings about the links between formative assessment and the development of key competenciesStarting out in teaching: Surviving or thriving as a new teacherStudents' experiences of "researching" in different subjectsTaking the first step from secondary schoolThinking about the "big picture": how can school science contribute?Thinking about the key competencies in the light of the intention to foster lifelong learningToo much testing? Finding the signal amongst the noiseUnderstanding the unknown: Looking at algebraic thinking—number propertiesVirtual classrooms: Lessons for teaching and learning in the 21st centuryWhat's happening with the Assessment Resource Banks?Which assessment tool?Who wants to play "Careers"? New research into young people's priorities and the future of careers guidanceThe "something more" in key competenciesLiteracy teaching and learning for the 21st century: Bridging the theory to practice gapPrimary visual art teaching: Supporting teacher confidencePossibilities for summative assessment in social studies Proclaiming the good news: Samoan children, church literacy and comprehensionNational Standards: Thinking wider about sources of evidence NCEA subject choices in mid–low-decile schools: What schools and parents need to know about the university pathway Students and NCEA course choices and allocationsReaching disengaged students through media skillsThinking in science—What might progress look like?Sustaining improvements in student achievement: Myth or reality?Explicit teaching of social skills: Does it lead to behaviour change?To find or to fix: Effective teacher response to error in early literacy learningICT in primary science: Insights from the TELA evaluation“Talk about Books”: Investigating a junior primary oral language programme Going beyond achievement: Spreading our assessment net widerEngaging whānau with children's science learningGetting off to a good start: Employment status and beginning teachersUsing focus groups to support conceptual development in social studies"You can try sound brainy": The use of process drama to engage Pasifika boysFrom "student voice" to "youth–adult partnership"How well do your students understand fractions?Developing statistical literacy with Year 9 studentsCan test results help us make Overall Teacher Judgements?Supporting students' additive thinking: The use of equal additions for subtractionSpotlight on improving educational outcomes: an interview with Stuart McNaughtonSupporting the transition from early childhood education to school: Insights from one Centre of Innovation projectSpotlight on children's issues: an interview with Anne SmithBullying on the bus: prevalence and preventionBeyond the school gate: provisions for gifted and talented studentsCan drama enhance visual-art making?RĀPP: tape-assisted reading to support students' literacy in Māori in two bilingual schoolsFirst language literacy skill transfer in a second language learning environment: STRATEGIES FOR BILITERACY"How many sounds in ox?" A survey of linguistic knowledge that teachers might need to teach reading and spelling effectivelyAddress at the launch of The Hidden Lives of Learners, by Graham NuthallThe power of student voiceStudents' perspectives on teacher questioning in the secondary classroomLiteracy, cultural diversity, and home–school partnershipsSpotlight on literacy: An interview with Professor Tom NicholsonReading-related language abilities: Māori children “at promise” Play, prey or “sexploration”? Understanding and responding to sexual actions by children at primary schoolNZCER: Building on a 75-year storyLet it rip—Patero at its best!Enabling students to lead the way: Healthy lifestyles and healthy futuresViewing schools as a health and wellbeing system: Does this fit with the revised curriculum?History students voice their thinking: An opening for professional conversationsChanging the assessment focus in scienceSpotlight on effective teaching: An interview with John HattieLessons from Sweden: Male teachers in the primary schoolFractions: Partitioning and the part-whole conceptA burning issue: What is the impact of school fires?Challenges for science educationThe Te Kotahitanga Effective Teaching ProfileConnecting science teachers with their Māori students: Linking one school’s tuata with forest ecologyTe Pikinga ki Runga: Raising PossibilitiesMathematics and Māori-medium education: Learners’ perspectivesHitting the roof: Understanding ceiling effectsSpotlight on leadership: An interview with Professor Viviane RobinsonAbusive and inappropriate sexual behaviour among Years 7 and 8 students: A survey of teachersSurviving teaching: Learning from Japanese native-speaker teachersUnderstanding and responding to the tensions between deficit discourses and inclusive educationAn unexpected breakthrough for rapid reading improvement: AVAILLL uses movies so students read it, see it and get itThe Powerful Learning ProcessEmbracing the power of texting: Eliminating playground noncompliance and aggressionExploring the use of an interactive whiteboard in a primary science classroomOpportunities and challenges in technology-rich classrooms: Using the Scratch softwareAssessment development at NZCER in 2009Spotlight on the culture of the classroom: An interview with Mere BerrymanRealising Māori student capability: An alternative approach to supporting students to maximize their potential Supporting the development of a positive school culture Basic facts: Start with strategies, move on to memorisation Do they get the picture? Feedback in primary classrooms The active construction of curricula: Primary teachers' perspectives Developing teaching knowledge in primary technology Making connections in the teaching and learning of science and technologyMore than talk and writing: Exploring the multimodal nature of classroom interactions Jumping to conclusions: Making too much of one responseSpotlight on learning pathways: An interview with Margaret Carr“Proud to be Kiwi”: How we created a play from no prewritten script for a formal productionPutting the Nature of Science strand into the water cycleStudent-centred curriculum integration and The New Zealand Curriculum“Students First” and nurturing networks: Visualising positive futures for New Zealand secondary studentsSchool council research: Student researchers help inform spending decisionsPaying attention to detail: Getting readers to think small so they can think bigImproving students’ writing: The impact of teacher knowledge and student-focused practiceAsian students in New Zealand classrooms: Their perceptions of supports and barriers to reading achievementHow can the needs of advanced bilingual learners be met in primary schools?Raising students’ literacy achievements in secondary school: Findings from teacher–researcher partnershipsAssessment Resource Banks and the new curriculumFAQs about the new PAT:Reading tests (reprinted with corrections)Spotlight on assessment: an interview with Terry CrooksInfluences on Pasifika students' achievement in literacyTeaching for Scholarship successStudents think history and teachers learnEffective bicultural leadership: A way to restore harmony at school and avoid suspensionWhat principals want in a "male role model"Integrated use of ICT in primary schools: A case study of a high-decile schoolMove over teacher: sharing control of learning with our students using a transformative approach through education for sustainabilityFast horses, slow cows: Context and mathematical tasksPupils' views of the curriculum: are you 'in the know'?"If they don't care, then I won't": The importance of caring about our students' mathematics learningDoes numeracy = mathematics?Extending guided reading with critical literacyGreat expectations: Academic and social outcomes for studentsGreat expectations: Pedagogical beliefs and instructional practicesAcquiring the mathematics register in classroomsPhonological awareness: Investigating the phonological awareness knowledge of New Zealand primary schools' educatorsHand-hygiene facilities and food-safety education: A survey of New Zealand schoolsMultiple perspectives on a withdrawal programme for students gifted in mathematicsMissing the point: REPORTING ON STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT TO KOREAN PARENTS AT ONE NEW ZEALAND HIGH SCHOOLWhat's wrong with school improvement?LEARNING DISPOSITIONS and KEY COMPETENCIES: a new curriculum continuity across the sectors?CONTINUITY OF LEARNING: adding funds of knowledge from the home environmentStrengthening written language—a cluster approachFISHING WITH THE NEW NET ... transfer of students’ information-literacy skills between the secondary and tertiary environmentsHow well do our students achieve? A summary of 35 years of international comparisonsWhat makes for successful integrated use of ICT in a low-decile primary school?Behaviour intervention: a pilot programmeStudents take the lead: moving towards student-led conferencesHow I feel about maths at school—accessing children's understandings through their drawingsWho should decide the curriculum?Planning your research projectProfessional development through teacher enquiryMale teachers in primary schoolsText-bullying: is it related to relational or verbal aggression?Beginning teaching: stress, satisfaction and resilienceExperiential learning in the context of educating for a sustainable future: is it an appropriate pedagogy for shifting teachers' thinking and engaging learners?What do Year 8 students know and understand about New Zealand society? Findings from a NEMP probe studyMultiple intelligences: fashionable or foundational?Inquiry-based curriculum integration in the secondary schoolINFORMATION LITERACY and evidence-based practiceHelping students to use metacognitionWhat factors promote and support Pasifika students in reading and writing?LITERACY TEACHING AND LEARNING DURING THE SECONDARY YEARS: Establishing a pathway for success to NCEA and beyondIllustrating quality social studies learning: Cases from the exemplar projectSMART START WITH PMP: Implementation, management, and evaluationEvidence of phonological-based word identification deficits among children with reading difficultiesTeaching gifted and talented students in all classrooms: Research-based questions and answers“Do we get our say?” Negotiating the curriculum with students at riskDeveloping young children’s creativity: What can we learn from research?Theatre and open-ended play in the early years: Combining to promote opportunities for creativityTeaching and Educational Research in New Zealand: Directions, dilemmas, and dangersMathematics word problems and Year 12 studentsAddressing mathematical promiseHome–school partnerships in mathematics educationWhat do pupils think about ICT?Writing with a word processorMāori students in science and mathematics: Junior programmes in secondary schoolsStudents reading together: A modified reciprocal teaching approachEnvironmental education in New Zealand schools: Challenges for sustainability"I feel I belong here": The culture and ethos of inclusive schoolsYoung people and bereavementTransitions within the centre & to school: Research at a Samoan-language immersion centreNew understandings of educational leadershipLEADERSHIP LEARNING THROUGH COACHINGSelling our education: Income and cultural diversity or disadvantaging domestic students?Celebrating 30 years: Highlights & historyAn integrative curriculum approach to road safety educationFuture thinking: One school's experience of teaching thinking strategies"In, about, and for": Exploring the foundations of environmental educationEnvironmental education in New Zealand schools: Characteristics and achievementsLet's ask: "Is the content important to our students?"The decline in jumping standardsFind the moralInfluences on gifted students' motivation: Fostering healthy hearts & mindsLearning social and co-operative skills in Year 1 classroomsChinese-speaking students' perceptions of learning science in English in New Zealand"I was born with a few disabilities—this does not stop me from trying my best and I give most things a go." Inclusion from the perspectives of students with disabilitiesNews and Views - mainly for parents, whānau, and caregiversSchool Reports: “Praising With Faint Damns”Environmental education: Roots in the past, visions of the future, opportunities in the presentTheoretical approaches to transitionEffective Reading Programmes in the Junior School: How some schools produce high literacy levels at Year 3HIGHLIGHTING CHILDREN'S AWARENESS OF THEIR TEXTS THROUGH TALKNew ways of thinking about raising boys' achievementCelebrating a Continuing ServiceLearners and Outcomes: Where did all the children go?Moving from the One-off: Supporting progression in technology"Put your finger on your nose if you are proud of your technology!" Technology in the new entrant classroomPutting Students at the Centre: Developing effective learners in primary technology classroomsAssessment in Technology is not a Written Language ExerciseCan we keep it? Yes we can!: A summary of the Books in Homes programme evaluationChildren’s notions of commutativity: Do we need more than “turn-arounds”?National consultation on exemplars: What difference does it make for teachers?“Here there is no boss”: Alternatives to the lone(ly) principalYou can’t investigate in a vacuumWrite to Spell in Primary ClassroomsWhat’s news in education? Peer influences on learningPartnerships: Accomplishing important work togetherThe importance of the teacher/student relationship for Māori and Pasifika studentsThis is school…where people come to learn for school: What children need to know when they start schoolEnvironmental education for secondary studentsCatching the Knowledge Wave? The Knowledge Society: what does it mean for education?The Band-Aid StripYoung children’s understanding of volumeTeacher feedback to students in numeracy lessons: Are students getting good value?The meaning of “equals”KANOHI KI TE KANOHI: Establishing partnerships between schools and Māori communitiesDo pupils with learning difficulties need teaching strategies that are different from those used with other pupils?Curriculum FramingSCHOOL ENTRY ASSESSMENT TASKS: Why do teachers use them – or not?Exercising Teachers’ Choice of NEMP Tasks: Bringing assessment resources into the classroomARBs in the ASSESSMENT MIXFormative assessment and the professional development of teachers: Are we focusing on what is important?What tools and strategies do teachers use to assess Years 5, 7, and 9 students in English and mathematics?How useful do teachers find the tools and strategies they use for assessing English and mathematics at Years 5, 7, and 9?Environmental education in Otago primary schools: EDUCATION for the ENVIRONMENT?asTTle: An Early Exploration of New Technology for Teachers“Don’t eat other people’s lunch”: Children’s views of starting schoolWhole class INTERACTIVE TEACHINGListening to read: Further research on the tape assisted reading programme (TARP)Teachers as researchers: A professional necessity?Teacher talk to improve teaching practicesUsing achievement information to raise student achievementInclusion: What happened after Special Education 2000?Reporting to parentsWhen schooldays are over, what sense of science lingers? Marking and feedbackPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: What makes it work? Building a “vocabulary of experiences”: Supporting children’s learning in science centresMeeting individual educational needs: Legal identification, or systemic support?Dr CE Beeby and the quality of education Making judgments about children’s numeracy strategiesHow high should we aim? An examination of progress in the Early Numeracy ProjectDo Year 9 students need help with fractions and multiplying?Developing numeracy through Cognitively Guided InstructionWhat do teachers get out of in-class modelling? Kaiako Toa: Highly successful teachers in low decile schoolsSchool size and achievement of primary and intermediate studentsStudents with disabilities and their parents talk about friendships and relationships at school Reading across the curriculum: Secondary school students talk about themselves as readersTeachers’ talk helps learning: The quality learning circle approachToward a knowledgeable society?Levels-based assessment of writing: Scoring guides from the Assessment Resource Banks“Writing sux!” Boys and writing: What’s the problem?The effective teaching of writingPaired writing: Helping beginning writers get startedStudent interest in science: Analysis of data from the Assessment Resource BanksTransition to school from Pacific Early Childhood CentresNEMP experiences: Teachers talk about lessons learned and changes to their assessment practicesEnhancing student learning in technology through enhancing teacher formative interactionsAttitudes of primary school Australian Aboriginal children to their linguistic codesEducating students in the middle: Getting it right with or without middle schoolsTroubled transition: How to ensure that educational transition points do not interrupt student learningTeam teaching in the middle school: Critical factors for successCurriculum delivery for Years 7 to 10Word processors: drafting, crafting, or presentation tools? Students’ use of computers for writing in two primary schoolsNgā Kete Kōrero: A framework for assigning levels of difficulty to existing and new Māori reading resourcesDrama as a framework for the development of literacyMaking the most of testing: An examination of different assessment formatsEssential Skills Assessments: Information Skills. How well can students read between the lines?Schools' learning journeys: Evaluating a new approach to professional development in literacy at Viscount SchoolSchools' learning journeys: Reporting to parents at Nga Iwi SchoolSchools' learning journeys: Progressive Achievement Testing at Southern Cross Middle SchoolSchools' learning journeys: Evaluating a literacy intervention at Dawson Road Primary SchoolSchools doing it for themselves: Successful professional developmentStudent ‘belief effects’ in remedial reading: Stories from six severely reading disabled adolescentsGender, ethnicity and literacy acquisition by age sixCuriosity kits: The impact of non-fiction book bags on boys’ reading at homeThe perceived impact of the technology curriculumDifference and desire: Dividing classrooms by ethnicityReport card for integrated learning systems (SuccessMaker): Is there evidence of improved literacy and numeracy outcomes?The serious limitations of ‘learning style’Guided reading for beginning readers: Do the guidelines work?Supporting curriculum learning and language learning with an ESOL learner in a mainstream classSchool cultureTeacher perceptions of the use and value of formative assessment in secondary English programmesWords matter: Thinking and talking about writing in the classroomAll keyed up: The use of computers, at home and at school, by children with special needsAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD): Clues and strategies for coping at schoolCurriculum integration: what it is and is notCo-operative learning: What it has to offer New Zealand teachersIntroducing CLICK!: Computers and Learning in Classrooms: K-6Roll change and the removal of zoning, 1991-1998Good talk in the classroom: a collaborative classroom research projectPacific nations students in primary teacher training: Investigating their learning needsDiagnosing misconceptions in science: Understanding Planet Earth and BeyondThe behaving schoolListening to culture: Maori principles and practices applied to support classroom management“Girls, just be sensible! Boys, come out from under the table!” Initial encounters in the classroomAn ecological approach to understanding behaviour: Comprehensive and culturally appropriate strategies towards student successBullying in schools: Issues for New Zealand teachersKaupapa Maori messages for the mainstreamBoys’ educational underachievement: An overview of some developments in BritainThe transition from kindergarten to school for children with special needsA cultural audit for teachers: Looking out for Maori learners with special needsDot, slash, cross: How assessment can drive teachers to ticking instead of teachingInformation skills: How well can New Zealand students find information?School entry assessment: Implementation issuesGroup assessment: Exploring the influence of the gender composition of the groupDiagnosing misconceptions in mathematics: Using the Assessment Resource Banks to remedy student errorsFuture teachers' perceptions of Australian indigenous people"The whole you is the principal: therefore understand yourself"Teachers working in isolation? Enhancing professional conversationsBehaviour and violenceHow good schools function: Exploring the processes within value-added schools in New ZealandMultiage grouping in Victorian schools: Does it make a difference?When will social studies become more "social" and less "studies"?Thinking mathematically: Problem solving, sense-making, and communicatingDifficulties with decimals and using everyday knowledge to overcome themIntegrating values education into the mathematics classroomMapping literacy achievement: The 1996 Australian National School English Literacy SurveyWhat do students know in science? Analysis of data from the Assessment Resource BanksInformation skills: Their impact on learningCreating a culture of respect: A state secondary school's journeyDeveloping emotional intelligence in the classroomThe value of Keeping Ourselves Safe, The views of intermediate school students and their parents Social life and learning: Peer scaffolding in a new entrant classroomPlayground politics: Social interactions of children with disabilities in regular and special school playgroundsAn enigma in our schools: Students who are academically talented and learning-disabledParents' and teachers' perception of gifted provisionEducation vouchers: The research evidencePrincipals working with principals: Keeping education at the centre of practiceReading recovery: A case studyAchieving literacy for the hardest-to-teach: A third chance to learnThe acquisition of numeracyEncountering interactive television: A pilot study of the introduction of a new educational technology in Victorian schoolsMiddle schooling — a challenge for policy and curriculum: Findings of the National Middle Schooling Project Report "School effects", "value added" and all that...Conflict resolution at Mackay State High School: Ongoing case studyAiming for Student Achievement: How teachers can understand and better meet the needs of Pacific Island and Maori students"A lot of 'em get so shamed": Koori students, risks, shame, and the classroom curriculumWhole-language teachers and phonics: Not "do they?" but "how much is enough?"Promoting Māori language through reading and interactive tasksTeachers need help: Primary music education in AustraliaFood technologyPromoting number sense rather than number skillsPolitics, civics curricula, and decision making in schools: Can schools change student cynicism?Responses to questions teachers and administrators frequently ask about inclusive school programmes"Good" teaching and learning: A matter of perception?Learning technologies teacher capabilities: A framework for professional developmentD.A.R.E. to scrutiniseSelf-esteem and self-talk enhancement in upper primary school childrenEntrepreneurship: Inadequate Perceptions Of The Educator's RolePlacing and pacing in Beginning School MathematicsProblem solving In MathematicsTask demands and instructional support in mathematics: Influences on strategic learning behaviours of secondary studentsIntervention in MathematicsWhat makes for an effective literacy learning activity? Seven Years of Observation and AnalysisTeaching HSC English: The culture of uncertaintyMāori education in mainstream schoolsFactors impacting on children's adjustment to the first year of primary schoolAdult-child relationships in early childhood programmesGiving voice to young childrenProfessional practice in education: Research and issuesWhat's the Point? Changes in students' beliefs about academic work in transition from primary school to secondary schoolThe gender differential in reading: Are boys failing the system or is the system failing boys?Children's understanding of probability concepts: Some ideas for the classroom"Key" competencies for all students? Australian teachers' views and practicesA Study of "effective" departments in secondary schools in the United KingdomChange & the New Zealand primary school curriculumHelping left-handed childrenComputer immersion in a grade 5/6 classroom: Key questions and management issuesUsing student and teacher perceptions to assess classroom environmentTwo at the top: Power sharing at Selwyn CollegeSpecial Places, Special People: The hidden curriculum of school groundsEmpowerment . . . through professional developmentDimensions of social behaviours: Five-year-olds at schoolAges and stages: A guide to class nomenclatureParents & teachers: Building bridges for the future?The Corporate Invasion of Schooling: Some implications for pupils, teachers, and educationGetting It Together: Cross-cultural communicationLearning in the distributed classroomA beginner's guide to the InternetParent and teacher relationships: It's a matter of what they think of each otherEffective communication in schools: Can a business model be of value in education?Involving parents in assessment: The home-school partnership in recording progressMaking the transition from Year 12: The relationship between decision-making style and information gatheringHow young people make Career decisionsWhat do children think about families?Home-based education: Not "does it work?" but "why does it work so well?"Visual skills for learningBook buying in school libraries: Hit or miss?The magic boxViolence in schools: principals' perspectivesGoals and school motivation: Aboriginal and Navajo PerspectivesSpelling Instruction In Primary SchoolsFamily Violence and Children: How schools can respondThe Dynamics of support CirclesThe Phonic Debate RevisitedClassroom Discipline: Teachers' PreferencesNot The Class Novel: A different reading programLearning Styles and Learning Outcomes. Based on Kolb's Learning Style InventoryMulti-age groupingCo-operative Small Groups in Mathematics: The Perceptions and Involvement of Intermediate StudentsIs there a case for integrated learning systems?Play as healingSuggestions from children on how to help us behaveI Would Have Told Them If They'd AskedThe dynamics of information problem solvingWhat Do Students Think "Learning" is and How Do They Do It? A cross-cultural comparisonUsing CD-ROM story books to encourage reading developmentThe Group Interview: One aspect of selecting applicants for teacher educationChildren as Problem SolversWhy so many adolescent girls want to lose weightFocusing on Technology Education: The effect of concepts on practiceChildren's Response to TeachersChildren's Understanding of the SuperheroesRoad Safety Education for Young Children: Learning or playing?Constructing adolescent bodies: Some problems for health promotion through physical educationThe Course Experience of Year 12 Students: Results from "Youth in Transition"The Draw-a-Scientist Test: What do young children think of science and scientists?Don't compare, complement: Making the best use of Science Centres and MuseumsBreaking Down The Barriers: A Health Initiative Involving School and CommunityBeyond Expectations: Using calculators with young childrenLanguage Revival and ReversalLearning Mathematics IN MAORITatari Tautoko Tauawhi: A Maori language reading tutoring programmeBuilding Bridges to Individuals: Maxims for teaching composite classesTeaching Can Be Hazardous to Your HealthRe-Placing the Arts in EducationWonderland Beyond the BLACK HOLEMeasuring Print Exposure in New Zealand classroomsTRT: Title Recognition TestAssessment Strategies for the New Zealand Curriculum FrameworkKindly Take Your SeatsFour terms instead of threeHow Pupils LearnDrawing What You Know and Feel: Finding out what school beginners really think of teaching and schooling...Some schools are more equal than others... Schools and market choice in Aotearoa, 1994Prior Knowledge and How it Influences Classroom Learning. What does the Research tell us?Whole learning, with a hypertext computer project to helpTaking science in chunks: Students' Reactions to Modular Science and Internal AssessmentTask Design, Dialogue and LearningFractions: A weeping sore in mathematics educationA day at the stock market: The Role of IQ in the Transfer of Knowledge and Life-Course OutcomesListening and Speaking: Vital parts of any second language programmeDiversity (and Geometry) in a multicultural schoolReading to Pre-schoolers: Models of TutoringActivity, Fitness, Mental Health, and Mood'Don't patronise us!'The too hard basket? Closing the gap between parents and teachersThe Mathematical Needs of School LeaversLiteracy on the jobThe Young Employed and Unemployed: Their use of spare time and their psychological well-beingRestructuring Students for Restructured WorkThe Process of ReadingThree Dozen's a CrowdA Day at the Races: IQ, expertise, and cognitive complexityWatching Oneself TeachIncreasing Students' Motivation to LearnThinking about Thinking: A training programme in problem-solving strategiesCritical ThinkingWomen's Franchise: A PlayLearning to be Intelligent or Oh Good, That Was Clever! Teaching How to ThinkThere Will Still Be Days: Profile of a TruantMeasuring the Effects of SchoolingListening: What Our Pupils Tell UsQuestionable Assumptions Underlying Secondary School ClassroomsAchieve is Choice!'I've found my memory!': Reciprocal Teaching in a Primary SchoolHow Lack of Confidence in Spelling Affects Children's Written ExpressionThe (Relatively) Constant ConsonantLiteracy: In Classrooms, Curriculums, Assessments and PoliticsConflict and Resolution During Co-operative Learning with ComputersWhen Aptitude and Preference Mis-matchWords and Images in Print and on ScreenWhat Principals Think of Their Beginning TeachersEducational strategies for Chronically ill students - with a special section on Chronic Fatigue SyndromeMeasuring Added Value in SchoolsPractice 10, Theory 5. An examination of the depth of learningGambling with mathsA Matter of Survival: stress and the emergency teacherPeer Tutoring in Computer SkillsExamsmanship and the Liberal ArtsContent and MethodsWhat Mathematicians Do and why it is important in the classroomHopes and Fears of Students in Australian SchoolsExamining classroom talk: structure and talk in literacy lessons examined from a metacognitive perspectiveWielding Power in the ClassroomGoing Back to School as an AdultStudents-at-risk: identification and intervention: a case studyTeasing and Bullying Among Young High School StudentsSenior school maths, university styleHoles in the mind: cognitive development and cognitive deficitRules, Rules, Rules: Our Rule-governed Behaviour and Its Implications for TeachingThe Co-operative Reading Resource and How It Changed the Reading Skill of 8- and 9-Year-OldsReady to Read in the South PacificTeaching in a Multi-ethnic SchoolTeaching Our Students: Adapting teaching styles to cultural and class differencesTeacher Evaluation Form – SocratesThe crisis in educationKindergarten Children Who Cause ConcernHelping One Another Learn: discussion in junior mathematicsCan I help? I'll be your friend: discussion in junior mathematicsFrom College to ...? Asking New Zealand principals, 2 years on, about the new system of hiring beginning teachersAppraising teachers: Is There Light Without Heat?How To Single Out a SchoolSuccess is not enough: differences between children & chimpanzeesIn the Company of AuthorsThx rxxl bxxks dxbxtx xs pxxntlxssReading But not understandingTitular Colonicity and Scholarship Revisited: Research and Scholarly ImpactMemorable TextFact + Fiction = Faction‘Our Teachers Never Come Back After Christmas’: Teacher Satisfaction, The Community and School ImprovementSenior Secondary School Courses: A Study of courses that provide diversity, involvement and successFrom Secondary School to Work in JapanA Great Waste of TalentPoverty and PerformanceTwin studies of spelling: A new look at where poor spellling comes from and what to do about itMoment-by-moment Decisions a Teacher Makes in the Classroom: A new research approach to teaching styleTV and HomeworkPaired writing: helping beginning writers get startedEvaluation of the Process of WritingKeeping ourselves safe: A personal safety curriculum examinedDoes the Moral Judgement Level of Teachers Really Matter? Teachers' reasoning and moral judgement when discipliningEncouraging creativity: The influence of motivation on writing poetryPoetry, Poets, and Poetry TeachersIs more of the same better? Studies of Grade Repetition and its effects at primary levelKnowing your place: The Ability of Young Children to Rank Themselves for Academic AbilityOut of the Frying Pan... Learning and Teaching in First Year University Biological SciencesTen days in new entrant classroomsDesigning and Evaluating Programmes for Students With Special Educational Needs in Secondary SchoolsFencing In, Turning Down, Belting Up: Early Childhood Injury PreventionThe Greenhouse effect: what do we, and our pupils, need to consider?Children's Attitudes to the Natural EnvironmentTeaching Money making: School Based Enterprise in Australia; The Value of Mini-enterprises in BritainHow Young Pupils' Memories WorkSolving – Not Solving: Learning and Remembering Solutions to ProblemsWorking With Children Who Have a Life-Threatening IllnessAccommodating At-Risk PupilsWhat Do Teachers Do All Day? or, Innovation Has Its PriceFrom Disadvantaged to AdvantagedA role for Print Literacy in a Free Communications Market?Dealing with ProcrastinationUnderstanding Exemplary TeachingParents Teaching in SchoolsEvaluating Learning in MathematicsModified sports: Kiwi and Aussie: The schools' experience of the programmeIQ Tests and Cultural DistanceSchool Climate: Assessing and Improving School EnvironmentsSchool-Level Environment Questionnaire (SLEQ)Size, Costs, Curriculum in Secondary SchoolsEducation and EmploymentGood and Bad in Prime Time TV for KidsGirls are better than Boys?Small children solve big problemsIncreasing Meta-learning. Part 2: Thinking BooksFinding Your First Job: From College to Classroom Under New RulesWeather and WickednessLessons from Mrs A and Mrs P: Helping Children Understand the Formal Symbolic Language of ArithmeticTeenage Perceptions in a Still Nuclear Age: An Up-date, 1989'I only think of the men ... I don't think of the women'Children and Superstars of WrestlingBehaviour Disordered ChildrenLet Someone Else Deal with Them: A study of students referred to an 'Activity Centre'Diverse society: Diverse education?The Playground Jungle: Bullies, Victims and Intervention StrategiesLooking Inside the Physical Education LessonJunior School Class Size: Where are we now?What Are the Benefits of Single-sex Maths Classes?For Adolescent Eyes Only: The Use of 'Low Culture' Films in EducationIncreasing Meta-learning: Part 1 - Encouraging Students to Ask QuestionsInflated Marks: The relationship between standard of work and mark awardedRescaling School-based AssessmentsRubrics in technologyTeacher research: Are the outcomes worth the struggle?Half empty or half full?Getting the most out of professional developmentConnecting learners with their pasts as a way into historyCreating opportunities for learning with mathematical tasksThinking skills in the early years: A literature reviewSpotlight on spelling: An interview with Cedric CroftFocusing on relationships creates safety in schoolsPraising Māori children: getting it rightRelational pedagogy and the ArtsCreating opportunities through care in the mathematics classroomReport back from surveys of primary schoolsInfusing peer assessment into classroom programmes: Descriptions of practiceFeatures of a positive work environment for early career teachersPartnerships with parents: Children with special education needs starting primary school Historical significance and sites of memoryUsing multimodal texts to build engagement and achievement in literacyAn initiative to counter the “summer reading drop”: An iterative processAchieving success: The role of metacognition in secondary literacy learning What is a rich task?Imag-ining the nation: Illustration and identity in the New Zealand School JournalEditorialThe challenges of graph interpretation in scienceThe schooling experiences of Pasifika studentsA health promoting schools approach to bullyingThe SCIAnTICT project: Technology-enhanced teaching and learning of primary science"What can I do about Māori underachievement?" Critical reflections from a non-Māori participant in Te KotahitangaPrincipled practice: Secondary teachers collaborate to bring a language focus to their content teachingThe expressive realities of 5- and 6-year-olds in low socioeconomic schoolsUsing metacognition to explore spelling strategiesErrors in test results: The "quick guide" part 1Editorial: set in the 21st centuryEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialTotal wellbeing: Health education for the new millenniumHealth Education in New Zealand: Issues, challenges, and blueprint for the futureSexuality education in New Zealand: What adolescents are being taught and what they really want to knowWhat is real? Students' perceptions of physical educationIf We Change It They Will Come: Creating School Athletic Carnivals Where All Children WinManaging to teach physical education: from pre-service to in-serviceTesting on the net: Assessment Resource Banks in mathematics and scienceComputer attitudes, gender, and exploratory behaviour in preschoolersTaking the first byte: Lessons from a classroom-based IT initiativeBullyproofing our school: What do the pupils think?Walkabout in Sixth Grade"Just something that I have to do": Year 12 students talk about VCEMaking a difference by managing dilemmasAges and stages: A guide to class nomenclature - AsiaWho Gets to Teach?Onside with OnlineTeachers' Centres: Premise or Premises?The Same Mistakes: But More OftenThe promotion of women in the teaching serviceFifteen thousand hours: findings and implicationsThe foundations of school testingTest evaluation sheetLearning time and teaching for masteryBeginning teachers: modern day robinson crusoesThe microcomputer in schoolWanted: gifted teachers for gifted kidsBooks: Research into the reading, buying, and borrowing of books in New ZealandThe anatomy of a word listCoping with volatile situations: A guide for teachersThe importance of being fatherHow important is fantasy play?Non-verbal tests in schoolsDr FoxChildren's knowledge of timeSlow learners, segregated, and integratedScale for rating behavioural characteristics of superior studentsImproving the format of classroom testsA test is a test are testsGlossaryVertical grouping in New Zealand secondary schoolsThe eating habits of New Zealand school childrenLanguage and behaviourThe pronunciation of english in New ZealandEarly childhood education in New ZealandFind the MoralSpecific learning disability definitionsAssessing the worth of instructional materialsFamily day-carePredicting and preventing child abuseTeaching styles and pupil progress: what the book saysA close look at the cloze testMaternal deprivation: fact or fallacy?Is bilingualism a handicap?Second language education of young childrenThe Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)Structured language programmes for pre-school childrenLanguage and social classChildren of working mothersSchool and communityThe development of meaningThe father's roleUsing the essay as an assessment techniqueHuman characteristics and school learningNational children's bureauSlow learner education in New ZealandThe bereaved childChildren in trafficWhat does boarding school do to a boy?Can children make a comeback after a poor start?Gifted children : do we deserve them?Scale for rating behavioral characteristics of superior studentsCo-educational or single-sex schools?Research on the effects of television on children's behaviourChildren at risk: multi-disciplinary research in aucklandResearch information and test advisory servicesResearch briefsResearch from the regionsResearch project fileLearning through discussion: a review of researchLearning through discussionThe banking concept in educationTeachers talk too muchThe lecture in teachingTechniques in small group discussionAttitudes to teaching methodsThe liberation of the mindEditorialPrincipal instructional leadership and secondary school performanceDeveloping statistical numeracy in primary schoolsIntegrating ethics into primary science programmesMaking the most of science learning opportunities in the primary schoolSocial studies integrity in an integrated inquiry unitTe tuangi (the clam): A metaphor for teaching, learning and the key competenciesAssessment of key competencies, literacy and numeracy: Can these be combined?Co-constructed pathways of learning: A case studyGlobally delayed development: Developing students’ motor skillsErrors in test results: The “quick guide” part 2Falling RollsMore Time at School? New Zealand Trends in School ParticipationRetrenchment and Restraint in Educational Expenditure, 1880-1980Good Spelling: The Search Goes OnJean Piaget in RetrospectBreaking the Sex-stereotyping Circle'Well Begun is Half Done': A School Wide Project for Better DisciplinePupils on PunishmentCriterion-referenced MeasurementThree Dozen's a CrowdI Knew Who I Was When I Got Up This Morning: The Transitions of AdolescenceWhat makes good software?Teachers Should Read? The Periodical Literature of the Teaching Profession: Concerns and CuresResearch InformationResearch BriefsResearch from the Regions: Sex Stereotypes in Readers and Open Planned ClassroomsSchools CouncilResearch Project FileToo Great A Risk!Moral Development : 1Lifeline: Moral Education ProjectMoral Development : 2Test Information: The scope and purpose of pupil evaluationTest InformationWhat Can Research Tell Us About Secondary School Examinations?Could Teachers Be Doing Worthwhile Research?Class Size: Big School Versus Small SchoolResearch BriefsParental Involvement in SchoolsCan You Teach Hostile Students?Assessment of Spoken EnglishAn Early Wellington KindergartenTeaching Poetry: What Kinds of Poems Do Children Like?Research Brief: Learning a Second Language VocabularyResearch Brief: Rewards and MotivationResearch Brief: The Examination GameResearch Brief: Team TeachingA Language for Life: The Bullock ReportCorporal Punishment: Are There Effective Alternatives?A Parable for Our TimesIntelligence and Intelligence TestingThe Pre-School Environment: Why Are Some NZ Kindergartens So Noisy?/Is Open Space Just Empty Space?/Stand-Off And WatchIndividualized Learning: An IntroductionHou are our Skools Teaching Speling?To Stream or Not to Stream?Open Plan: Who Benefits?Teaching About Drugs: Research on the Effects of Drug Education ProgrammesTV and Five-Year-Olds: The Teachers' ViewA Second Language - An Outward-looking Balance?Behaviour Modification: For Citizens and AcademiciansBehaviour Problems in ChildrenDiagnostic Tests of ReadingEducational Research in the South PacificDo Primary School Children Appreciate Mathematics?The Condition of History in our Secondary SchoolsResearch Brief: Sex Roles and Sex DifferencesResearch Brief: The Family with a Handicapped ChildResearch Brief: The Effects of Family Size and Birth Order on Child DevelopmentResearch Brief: Schools can help pupils?An Act to make further Provision for the Education of the People of New ZealandThe New Zealand GazettePAT: Study Skills TestsGifted Children: The School SituationDeciding About DrugsThe Aggressive ChildResearch Brief - Violent and Disruptive Pupils: School VandalismAdolescent Needs in the Urban EnvironmentPre-School VolunteersResearch Brief: Children with Spina BifidaIs Anyone Listening?The Almost Invisible WomanResearch Brief: Children in HospitalSpecific Learning Disability: ProblemsSpelling Achievement: Weighing the ResearchFifth Formers: English Teachers: Poetry:New Zealand Research on The Arts in EducationGoing to School: A Guide for ParentsReading: Smith's Rule, McAndrew's Ploy, Bedwell's ConditionUnited Nations Declaration of Childrens RightsFOSSIC - A Study Skills Rating ScheduleWorking with Pacific Island and Maori ParentsTV and ReadingForms of Assessment in Secondary SchoolsBilingual Education: Teaching Children in Two LanguagesA Suitable Case for ImitationWhat Do Maori Children Think of Themselves?From School to What?Research Your School's Vocational Education EffectivenessSet Index 1974 - 1978Young People and AlcoholReading In NZ Schools: A survey of our theory and practiceParents as Remedial Reading Tutors: A Report on the Work of the Mangere Home and School ProjectPutting the answer before the question: A new way of understanding reading comprehension.Teaching Television CommercialsThe Skills of FriendshipGrowing up in Great BritainCurriculum: a catalyst for change - challenges for the futureStories to Read in ClassGive Them a Good HandWriting to an AppleCopy ThisTeaching Left-Handers to WriteReading and Working MemoryWhat Comes After One?Classroom DisciplineThe FullstopStudents at Victoria UniversityTeachers College Students Who Are Also ParentsPAT: Study SkillsThe Confusing World of High School ReadingDrugs Demystified Training PackStreaming RediscoveredTo Stream or Not to Stream?Streaming vs Non-StreamingLegibilityAssessing Attitudes to Reading: What Can Teachers Do?What to Do While Waiting for the Reading Adviser to ArriveThe Decline in Jumping StandardsAdult Reading AssistanceGo and Look It Up YourselfNew Optimism About Pre-School EducationWho Cares for Children?Sources of SatisfactionSocial Behaviour and Classroom Learning: Polynesian and PakehaTeacher Stress: A BibliographyRemedial Reading at HomeThe Penrose Whanau Unit: A Case StudyTeacher Expectations and Classroom BehaviourThe Economics of Children in a Welfare StateProjecting Education ExpenditureHow Many People Can a Young Child Feel Secure With?Small is Beautiful: Some Effects of School Size on the Behaviour of PupilsThe Class Size Issue Rides AgainCatering for Individual DifferencesAssessing Internal AssessmentWhatever Happened to Programmed Learning?Assessing What They've LearnedEducational English as She is WrittenA Guide to Class NomenclatureInternational Year of Disabled PersonsEducational Directions For The Year 2000Testing the Reading Comprehension of Second Language Beginners: An Integrative ApproachThe Psychological and Social Effects of Youth UnemploymentDisruptive PupilsPlaygroup EcologyA Developmental Approach to Moral EducationClassroom Discussion and Questioning: Some Patterns and In-Service EffectsDoes Intelligence Equal Learning Ability?Teaching PracticesAchievement Test Scores in PerspectiveUsing Readability Formulas in the Classroom Young Children's Ordering BehaviourTransition from School: A Review of Research and its Relation to PolicyDon't Take that Dress Off JamesWhat Happened at Hermannsburg?Changing the Curriculum: Can We Do Better?Homework in Secondary SchoolsWho Structures the Curriculum: Teacher or Learner?Kids Can Write the First Week of SchoolCombining ScoresReading Words With Context and WithoutParents the Untapped Resource in Special EducationChildminderStudy Skills: Panacea, Placebo or Promise?Learning from PrintTroubled Times for Educational TestingWho Talks to William?Going to UniversitySilencing MinoritiesInitial Vocabularies for ReadingLearning to Cope with Failure In the Early School YearsProbing TechniquesFrom a Researcher's NotebookJenniferPocket CalculatorsChoosing a CalculatorCorporal PunishmentEvaluating WritingHow to use SetThe Ideal Family: A Study of the Views of Young AdultsBrought to MindComputer OverkillIt Was Good Fun Getting Here, But What Do I Do Now?Organizing for learningRows Versus TablesStand By Your DesksBreaking the Sound Barrier - Classroom Noise and Learning StyleDifficult-to-Teach Junior School ChildrenSpelling Genius at WorkEncouraging WritingClassroom ManagementLearning to Read NaturallyWhat Do We Know About Adolescent Reading?Selecting Appropriate Work ExperienceTest Bias? Test Bias?A Whanau in ActionThe Impact of Technology on our Multicultural CommunityCorporal Punishment: Help for TeachersClassroom Research by New TeachersObservation: The Basic TechniquesThe Neuropsychology of ReadingProblematic Aspects of Nuclear EducationThe Manager's JobWhat Do Children Learn From Being Read To?Investigating Race Relations in ClassHome VisitingA Baseline for Sex EducationInfernal Internal Assessment, Again!Management Strategies for the Multicultural ClassroomAdditional Qualifications: What Teachers PreferOnce Upon a Time, Amongst Blocks and Car CasesFamily ViolenceOne~Pulse Words: Short, Sweet, and to the PointWhat Joyce Learnt From Her MotherTeaching From a Learning Point of ViewlEA Written Composition StudyLooking UpPeer TutoringPeer PowerChildren's Views on Nuclear IssuesNow for Something Completely Different . ..Ten Years of Open PlanGrowing up in Great BritainNew Zealand Sign Language and the Aim of Total Communication for the DeafSigningIntegration at the Chalk FaceWhat Is It Like If It's Too Big To Grasp?Mainstreaming and the Science TeacherLab WorkThe Child at PlayTV Talk Too TerseSix Weeks Writing in Two Secondary School ClassroomsStaging Points in Personal NarrativeFamily NetworksDoes Remedial Maths Help?Using The SOLO TaxonomyComputers - How to Get StartedWriting with a Word ProcessorThere Are Numbers Behind the PianoInteractive TeachingTaking Care of Themselves: Children can do more than we thinkTeaching Sight-wordsImproving Tertiary LearningNow Fades the Glimmering...Good Readers Don't GuessTaking the Guesswork Out of Teaching ReadingMadder, Badder, SadderLearning and Shaping the FutureRace and EducationThey don't eat like usNo Need for 'Superteachers'How Rough is Rough and Tumble?Absent and Not ExcusedA School Discipline StrategyMaking the Leap Between Learning and DoingInvesting in Item BanksFacts About DyslexiaComputer Aid for DyslexicsWhy Male Control is IncreasingAre Children Being Indoctrinated?What Really Happens in the ClassroomThe Characteristics of Successful SchoolsThe Tools of Your Trade: How to Manipulate them When You Are Five Years OldReflective Thinking and School LearningWhat Sort of Health Education?Transition to School: The Children's ExperienceDifferent Approaches to Classroom DisciplinePupils Talk in MathsIn the PlaygroundAdjusting to SchoolMind Your LanguageCo-operative Learning Strategies for Mainstreaming/IntegrationRoom Management in Mainstreamed/Integrated ClassroomsSchools Won't Change & Schools Will Change: a commentaryVouchersWork, Jobs and UnemploymentFair Enough?New Vocabulary: How Do Children Learn New Words?Joys and FearsStep-familiesTeachers and Child Abuse PreventionBetter DiscussionHomework: A decade of researchWhat Doesn't Work: Explaining Policies of Retention in the Early GradesPromotion, Retention and AccelerationScientists: In and Out of SchoolYouth's Judgements about Social and Ethical IssuesTeenagersWhat Children Can Get Away WithClassroom Discipline and the Effective Self-Management of Teacher StressTalking to ControlSubversive Record KeepingOverview of Issues in School AssessmentI Must Finish This!I Taught Them, But They Didn't LearnHow to Help the Wrong PeoplePreschool Children's Learning StrategiesNumber Skills in Junior ClassroomsInflated Expectations, Qualifications and Job ProspectsManaging Energy in Schools'I Want My MTV' - Studying Music Videos in the ClassroomYoung Smokers: Rebellion, Conformity and ImitationChildren's Use of the Resources Families Provide'Engineers Don't Carry Handbags'?!Crossing the Divide: Transition from Primary to Secondary SchoolLearning and Teaching WritingThe 'Seville" Statement on ViolenceThe Deep Structure of SchoolingWhat's Keeping Them Back?!Will It Hurt? Teaching in Maori, or PitjantjatjaraTeach Learning StrategiesPredicting Individual Development'A' for Accept; 'R' for Reject - The Alphabet for Selecting and Promoting TeachersParticipation in Education Pattern Notes: A New Learning StrategyThe Female AthleteUnlocking The Great Secret: Writing Reveals ThinkingThe Psychology of Intergroup DiscriminationDealing With Conflict: Mediation Programmes in SchoolsThe Information Quest: A look at children as information seekersOwning Your Own WritingOn Being Insane in Sane PlacesExploratory Studies in Educational ComputingBeginning to Learn FractionsTeaching Economics Using the Media as a ResourceNetworking Style: How Principals Manage Curriculum ChangeHe Kupu nā ngā Ētita - EditorialMarae ā-kura: Tracing the birth of marae in schoolsCritical issues for whānau in English-medium schoolsIdentity Matters: Racial-ethnic identity and Māori studentsCulturally responsive leadership: How one principal in an urban primary school responded successfully to Māori student achievementMehemea ka moemoeā tātou, ka taea e tātouGifted and talentedIntegrating culturally responsive teaching and learning pedagogy in line with Ka HikitiaAromatawai reo ā-waha: Oral Māori-language assessment toolsLeading inquiry at a teacher level: It’s all about mentorshipOn teaching reading and being a readerStudent inquiry and curriculum integration: Shared origins and points of difference (Part A)Implementing curriculum integration: Three easy lessons from past practiceInquiry learning, drama and curriculum integrationImplementing values in the New Zealand curriculum: Four years onRespect in teaching and learning mathematics: Professionals who know, listen to and work with students“How can we teach them when they won’t listen?”: How teacher beliefs about Pasifika values and Pasifika ways of learning affect student behaviour and achievementThe Travellers programme: A way of supporting young people to manage their wellbeingPurpose-based writingNational Monitoring Study of Student Achievement: Wānangatia te putanga tauiraStudent-centred curriculum integration in action: "I was wondering if you could tell me how much one meat patty and one sausage costs?"EditorialEditorialStudent inquiry and curriculum integration: Ways of learning for the 21st century? (Part B)Exploring whole-school approaches to education for sustainability“You’ll feel fat and no one will want to marry you”: Responding to children’s ideas about healthUsing ICT to develop knowledge-building communities in subject English and the artsStudents’ understanding and searching of the InternetImproving learning opportunities: Why schools can’t do it on their ownLike minds learning well together: Improving academic, social, and emotional outcomes for gifted studentsAccess and opportunity: Student perceptions of dual and early enrolment at universityChecking the STAR normsStudent ethnicityEditorialTeacher perspectives on place-responsive outdoor educationTransitioning from talking democratically, to thinking democratically and acting democratically: Exploring student-centred approaches to curriculum implementation The challenge and value of learning and teaching in the artsStudent management systems in secondary schools The benefits of collaborative Content Representation (CoRe) design with experts for early career secondary teachers in science and technology How do teachers use picture books to draw on the cultural and linguistic diversity in their classrooms? English-language learners and the Progressive Achievement Test: Mathematics English-language learners and validity Accelerating writing achievement EditorialAre they ready to teach? Judging student teachers’ practiceImplementing e-network-supported inquiry learning in scienceWhat is a social inquiry? Crafting questions that lead to deeper knowledge about society and citizenshipIn their wor[l]ds: Embarking on appreciative inquiry to enhance student learningChildren’s views about geometry tasks in Māori-medium schools: Meeting Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori pāngarau (National Standards in mathematics)Successful transitions from early intervention to school-age special-education servicesCompetencies or capabilities: What’s in a name?Teaching as inquiry and the Hawthorne effectPAT: Punctuation and Grammar—a new resource to support literacyEditorialAn interview with Keri FacerReo and mātauranga Māori revitalisation: Learning visions for the future“Ah the serenity ...”: Absurd ideas about educational futuresSharpening New Zealand’s future focus: A scenaric stanceTransforming New Zealand schools as knowledge-building communities: From theory to practiceRethinking subject English for the knowledge age“The problem with the future is that it keeps turning into the present”: Preparing your students for their critically multiliterate future todayFour images of the futureCopiers do not collaborateA librarian’s take on the future of learningBook reviewEditorialInviting innovation: Leading meaningful change in schoolsWhat makes it science? Primary teacher practices that support learning about science“A degree of latitude”: Thinking historically and making holistic judgements about internally assessed NCEA course workThe shortage of students studying languages for NCEA Level 3“It means everything doesn’t it?” Interpretations of Māori students achieving and enjoying educational success “as Māori”Creating a new pathway for learning using education for sustainabilityValuing assessmentAssessment for learning, online tasks, and the new Assessment Resource BanksEarly warning systems in schools: Tracking and monitoring students’ progress using NCEA achievement dataUsing selected NCEA standards to profile senior students’ subject-area literacyEditorialTe reo Māori in classrooms: Current policy, future practiceClassroom interaction and language learning: English-language-learner vignettesLanguage and learning about linear scale: Talking the walkPrimary students’ perceptions of good teachersNew identity stories: An alternative to suspension and exclusion from schoolHow we care for students: Pastoral care and the role of the deanDeveloping learning partnerships through Mantle of the Expert at NCEA Drama Level 2Developing historical empathy: Showing progressComputer-administered vs paper-and-pencil tests: Is there a difference?EditorialLet’s talk about literacy: Preparing students for the transition to tertiary learningThe successful inclusion of pregnant and mothering students in New Zealand schoolsScience Engagement Survey: A new tool for primary scienceSolving summer slide: Strategies and suggestionsConnecting like-minded learners through flexible groupingPasifika Transformers—more than meets the eyeInvesting in the pretend: A drama inquiry process to support learning about the nature of scienceCurriculum integration in New Zealand secondary schools: Lessons learned from four “early adopter” schools“Let’s all hold hands and cross the line together!”: Competition and gifted learnersA new era for PAT: Mathematics —Online, interactive, and adaptiveEditorialTransitions from early childhood education to primary school: An interview with Sally PetersFostering peer learning during the transition to schoolLeading change with digital technologies in educationSnapshots from the field: Transforming outdoor education in the primary schoolTowards a culturally responsive and place-conscious theory of history teachingUsing multiplication and division contexts with young children to develop part–whole thinkingHow ambitious is “ambitious mathematics teaching”?Editorial“Every teacher has to come on board for our Māori students” He wero mō ngā kaiarahi wāhanga ako—the challenge for curriculum leadersImproving engagement and achievement for Year 11 Māori and Pasifika studentsDeveloping collaborative connections between schools and Māori communitiesEnglish-medium schools engaging whānau: Building relationships, creating spacesReconsidering home learning in the digital learning environment: The perspectives of parents, students, and teachersEngagement with learningStudent portfolios: Do they have a purpose?Does National Standards reporting help parents to understand their children’s learning?EditorialComputational thinking is more about humans than computersPlanning and implementing coding in the junior classroom for competency and thinking-skill developmentDeveloping science capabilities through drama: Learning about the nature of science through a guided drama–science inquiry processMoving ahead with the idea of science capabilities: What are teachers doing, seeing, and saying?Teacher inquiry through impact projects: One school’s journeyEngaging student voice in teachers’ inquiriesBlue sky highTimely and urgentRediscovering the ARBsEditorialDesigning curriculum literaciesTeacher experiences of a school-based mindfulness programmeSpecial education costs in New Zealand: What are direct family members paying?Assessment capability for New Zealand teachers and students: Challenging but possiblePortfolios that improve your teaching practice and career prospectsActs of learning worth learning fromCreating collaborative effectiveness: One school’s approachTeaching as inquiry in an appraisal contextAssessing students’ maths self-efficacy and achievementEditorialWhose citizenship anyway?Māori cultural citizenship educationPlanning for critically informed, active citizenship: Lessons from social-studies classroomsAdvancing young citizens’ political literacy through social-sciences curriculaCritical literacy in support of critical-citizenship education in social studiesMaking the most of citizenship learning across cultural institutionsImproving political literacy by design: Voter advice applications for young New ZealandersActive citizenship for a sustainable future: Beyond school learningJust get out of their way! 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Purchase the full text download for this article or subscribe NZ$25.00 Please select Evaluative reasoning in public-sector evaluation in Aotearoa New Zealand: How are we doing?Kaupapa Māori action research in a Whānau Ora collective: An exemplar of Māori evaluative practice and the findingsWairua and cultural values in evaluationFinding our way: Cultural competence and Pākehā evaluatorsCultural fit: An important criterion for effective interventions and evaluation workUnpacking the evaluator’s toolbox: Observations on evaluation, privilege, equity and justiceEditorialEditorialThe emergence of evaluation as a global enterprise: Keynote at the 2015 Conference of the Aotearoa New Zealand Evaluation AssociationEvaluating in traumatic contexts: Considering the contextual, ethical, emotional, and political aspectsDeveloping a thoughtful approach to evaluation: Values-driven guidelines for novice evaluatorsDevelopmental evaluation: A tool to support innovationTe Ara Hou—A new pathway for leading Māori success as Māori“Dancing with data”: Investing in capacity building for non-government organisations (NGOs)Negotiating solidarity between indigenous and transformative paradigms in evaluationErratumWhat is “Evaluation Matters—He Take Tō Te Aromatawai: Online First”?Evaluation and innovation: Challenging the single narrativeNext generation evaluation: Shaping better futures in Aotearoa New ZealandAccountability and development? 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Teaching mathematics in te reo MāoriNegotiating spirituality in teacher educationSubjunctive spaces of curriculum: on the importance of eccentric knowledgeThe spectre of the literary curriculumThe untold story of assessmentEpistemological voyaging: thinking about a Māori-centric curriculumTowards a new technological literacy: curriculum development with a differenceLeadership in technology educationSignalling shifts in meaning: the experience of social studies curriculum designLiteracy and the achievement gapKey competencies: a new way forward or more of the same? The literary curriculum and the denial of backgroundsA thinking curriculumListening to student voiceMathematics education in the English and French contexts and the implications for New Zealand of a “Europeanised” curriculumConceptions of curriculum: A framework for understanding New Zealand’s curriculum framework and teachers’ opinionsOnce were curriculum developersThe draft New Zealand CurriculumLooking back, looking forward: three decades of early childhood curriculum development in Aotearoa New ZealandNew times: the place of literacies and English in the curriculumCitizenship education: does it have a place in the curriculum?Transnumerative thinking: finding and telling stories within dataTowards an ethically-oriented curriculum: resisting the growth of instrumentalismWho cares? Student's values and the mathematics curriculumAttempting to capture the intangible: spirituality in state educationCurriculum integration in the junior secondary schoolKey competencies in the New Zealand curriculum: development through consultationEditorial: Crisis, curriculum and citizenshipMathematics curriculum change: Parliamentary discussion over the past two decadesCulturally responsive pedagogies in the visual and performing arts: Exemplars, missed opportunities and challengesDisturbing history's identity in the New Zealand curriculum to free up historical thinkingThe recursive elaboration of key competencies as agents of curriculum changeMathematics and The New Zealand Curriculum in the primary classroomThe co-opting of hauora into curriculaSocial sciences in the New Zealand curriculum: Mixed messagesAre we there yet? Stagnation in entrepreneurship teaching practice 10 years onTeaching and learning fractions: Lessons from alternative example spacesUnderstanding the lines in the sand: Diversity, its discourses and building a responsive education systemTrickle-down effects: How have developments in senior secondary school social studies shaped practice in junior secondary social studies?Editorial: Why curriculum matters to meEditorial: What matters in the curriculum?Editorial: Half empty or half full?Editorial: Curriculum options: Being, knowing, and exploringEditorial: Curriculum: What, how and for whom?Editorial: Knowledge and the curriculumEditorial: Curriculum change and teacher resistanceAligning curriculum and assessment-divergent approaches in the framing of knowledge“Same, same but different”: The dangers of binary definitions of dis/ability in the neoliberal marketplace of early childhood education and carePrimary school visual arts education: Teachers’ perspectivesDusky maiden—noble savage: Pasifika representation in the NCEA drama classroomPhysical education and citizenship: More than just the creation of the “personally responsible” body?Expansive learning: Multicurricular pedagogy and holistic development through a music-centred programmeWorking towards a motivational pedagogy for school programmes in additional languagesA four-stage framework for assessing statistical literacyService-learning as a responsive and engaging curriculum: A higher education institution’s response to natural disasterBook reviewsEditorial: Making sense of curriculumCurriculum shockwaves? Geography, science, and the Canterbury earthquakesThe challenges of the diverse media landscape when learning about current events in the social studies classroomIdentity struggles: Korean stories on transitioning to secondary school from primary schoolSocial sciences and the key competencies: A practitioner reflectsRelevant, useful, and meaningful learning opportunities in science using Building Science ConceptsNavigating and noticing: Preservice teachers’ journeys in planning mathematics programmesThe tightening noose: Scientific management and early childhood educationPolicy and practice in New Zealand primary mathematics: Listening to two teachers’ stories about the impact of education policy on their classroom programmesChallenging hegemonic understandings in compulsory risk management and rehabilitation of intellectually disabled offenders through curriculum designBook reviewNotes to contributorsEditorial: Curriculum Matters 10 years on: A window on curriculumAgentic subjectivities and key competenciesMusic teachers talking: Views on secondary school curriculum contentReframing, refocusing, and revitalising: The inclusion of identity in the New Zealand curriculumA review of New Zealand’s EOTC policy and curriculum: Changing meanings about safetyStarting the conversation: Student transition from secondary to academic literacySpecial section editorial: Metaphors and metaphorical understandingMetaphors as boundary objects in preservice primary teacher mathematics educationSpecial Section in Curriculum Matters 2016—Call for Expressions of InterestNotes to contributorsUsing an extended food metaphor to explain concepts about pedagogyLinguistic threats associated with metaphors about evolutionSpace, relationships and performativity: Using metaphor to reflect on teachingLearning through feedback loop metaphorsA bridge over troubling waters in education: The complexity of a “students as co-researchers” projectTeachers’ metaphors of literacy: Do we need new metaphors?Editorial—Future-oriented learning, innovative learning environments and curriculum: What’s the buzz?Examining resources for and about social justice in senior social studiesBeyond the gate: Community arts participation enhances teaching and learningThe visual arts as a learning tool within an early childhood settingHas health education in the New Zealand curriculum “come of age”?Teachers, Curious Minds, and science educationScience capabilities for a functional understanding of the nature of scienceLearning about writing: A consideration of the recently revised asTTle: WritingCan written reporting against New Zealand’s National Standards fulfil the mandate of creating a robust, learning-focused, home–school partnership?Special section Curriculum Matters 2017: Call for expressions of interestEditorial: Curriculum research for the public goodThe future just happened: Lessons for 21st-century learning from the secondary school music classroomAn equitable curriculum for a digital ageJoining in the dance: What can be learned from high self-efficacy teachers about teaching dance?Influences on self-worth: Students’ and teachers’ perspectivesBiomechanics, the health and physical education curriculum and Confucius? Considerations for teaching, learning and assessmentEnhancing parental involvement in student learningIntrepid journeys in social studies curriculum development: Critical reflections and insights of a New Zealand educatorCall for articles: Curriculum developments—looking back, looking forwardCurriculum developments: Looking back, looking forward (Editorial)Te Marautanga o Aotearoa: History of a national Māori curriculumTe Whāriki a mat for “all” to stand: The weaving of Pasifika voicesHealth education in The New Zealand Curriculum: A matter of policyTowards a systems view of science education in New ZealandBuilding epistemic thinking through disciplinary inquiry: Contrasting lessons from history and biologyA matter of choice: Controversial histories, citizenship, and the challenge of a high-autonomy curriculum Searching the New Zealand curriculum landscape for clarity and coherence: Some tensions in Mathematics and StatisticsEditorial: Curriculum research and “glocal” potentialShadow education as an emerging focus in worldwide curriculum studiesHow “tight/loose” curriculum dynamics impact the treatment of knowledge in two national contextsUnder-recognised, underused, and undervalued: School libraries and librarians in New Zealand secondary school curriculum planning and delivery Accurate histories, critical curriculum: A conversation with Tamsin HanlySecond-language learning and teaching: When lived experience and second-language acquisition knowledge collidePolitical indoctrination through myth building: The New Zealand School Journal at the time of World War 1Locating inequality in the New Zealand curriculumWhat do flexible learning spaces mean for curriculum organisation in secondary schools?Can culturally responsive policies improve Māori achievement?Teacher and librarian perspectives on information literacy, and the secondary-school library’s relationship to information literacy in the classroomGlobal citizenship education—diverse perspectives: IntroductionGlobal citizenship education: Definitions and debatesHe raraunga o te ao—Global citizenship: A Māori perspectiveA Pasifika perspective on global citizenship educationGlobal citizenship education as education for social justiceGlobal citizenship education and youth political engagementEditorial: Policy shifts and curriculum effectsEditorial - Curriculum matters in an extraordinary yearDisrupting the paradigm: “Children need to learn how to learn”The English Language Learning Progressions (ELLP): Challenge or opportunity?Using online citizen science to develop students’ science capabilitiesIdentifying the missing link between shadow education and academic success: Features of private supplementary tutoring in South KoreaEditorialFour- and five-year-old children’s views and perceptions related to their teachers’ expectationsLearning in and from primary schools: Teaching Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories at Years 1 to 6What is English? Understanding how subject English is framed in The New Zealand CurriculumAudience and purpose: Secondary English teachers and the social vision in The New Zealand CurriculumTesting the relationships between teachers’ curriculum-design orientations and their underlying educational philosophiesA narrative approach to understand Korean teacher agency in the context of the recent Innovation School modelEditorialKorean students’ transnational literacy and social networks in a business collegeBenefits of poetry: An argument for making poetry a required course for EFL literature majorsAn evidence-based approach to secondary school science: Online citizen science and the science capabilitiesSafety in schools during COVID-19, and its implications for democratic educationIntentionally supporting and extending young children’s learning about and through the visual arts: Suggestions and strategies for early childhood education teachersEditorialTechnology, freedom of expression, identity and inclusion: Fresh perspectives—Introduction Diversity, inclusion, hate speech and minority communitiesSetting the scene: A room with a viewBeing a migrant in Aotearoa New Zealand: Freedom of expression and racismPreparing the next generation of learnersThe power of stories and being a storytellerHistorical representations and Singapore students’ ideas about the nature and purpose of history learningDigital citizenship education in the Aotearoa New Zealand curriculum: Developing speculative DCECreating continuity through literacy experiences at Wilton PlaycentreInvestigating multiple literacies: Wadestown Kindergarten COIReport back on the first NZCER national survey of early childhood education services: 2003–2004Dust under the whāriki: Embracing the messiness of curriculumLearning scientific knowledge from and with othersCan I play? Children’s participation strategies in early childhood settingsTo intervene, or not to intervene, that is the questionExploring games of chase in the early childhood curriculumMatching parents’ efforts: How teachers can resist heteronormativity in early education settingsBeing “sociocultural” in early childhood education practice in AotearoaTe Kākano (the seed): Growing rich mathematics in ECE settingsSeeing things differently: Student teachers and the arts in early childhood settingsCollaborating with children and whānau in assessment for learningUnravelling children’s “freedom of choice”Food for thought: Breastfeeding and early childhood education servicesForms, lists, and messages: Young children writingTeachers researching young children’s working theoriesIndependence and risk in early childhood settings: Providing opportunities for discussion“The silent voice of the camera?" Young children and photography as a tool for listeningGetting beyond the “what” and the “how”: Problematising pedagogy in early childhood educationNoise and at-risk children in early childhood education centresBook review—Doing Educational Research: A Practitioner’s Guide to Getting Started, by Carol MutchBecoming ecologically sustainable in early childhood educationDeveloping leadership through blended action learningAdvocating for infants’ rights in early childhood educationFinding our way: Interpreting Reggio in a New Zealand contextSettling infants and toddlers into early care and educationSameness-as-fairness: Early childhood professionals negotiating multiculturalism in childcareYoung children’s learning in early education settings and at home: Mothers’ understandingsSpotlight on family day care: A window into home-based pedagogyTheory, Context, and Practice: Exploring the curriculum decision-making of early childhood teachersTransitions Within the Centre & to School: Research at a Samoan-language immersion centreAn integrative curriculum approach to road safety educationThe role of arapū in reversing language shift in kōhanga reoDesignerly Thinking: Locating technology education within the early childhood curriculumSupporting the transition from early childhood education to school: Insights from one Centre of Innovation projectICT and the greatest technology: A teacher’s mindStrengthening responsive and reciprocal relationships in a whānau tangata centreFinding out about children’s literacies in family contexts: Vignettes from Wadestown KindergartenDistributed leadership: Utilising everyone’s strengths“But who are the parents?” Examining heteronormative discourses in New Zealand government early childhood reports and policyKaupapa Māori assessment: A journey of meaning makingSpotlight on leadership: An interview with Professor Viviane RobinsonBook review—Politics in the Playground: The World of Early Childhood in New Zealand (second edition), by Helen May“Even when we’re big we’ll still be friends”: Working theories in children’s learningRipples of action: Strengthening environmental competency in an early childhood centreYoung children breaking the rules: a sociocultural interpretationThe electric teacher: Philosophical pathways to being an empowered early childhood educatorNarrative activity: mediating the complexities in learningChildren’s interest in media-inspired play and teacher reactions: Resistance in the playground“Relationships and interactions”: a research project on Supporting Parents Alongside Children’s Education (SPACE) programme in a PlaycentreOn our best behaviour: Lesbian-parented families in early childhood educationThe development of mathematical language in a young child: A pilot studyParticipatory-research methods with young children: experiences from the fieldSubject knowledge enhances the documentation of young children’s mathematical learning“If you don’t know her, she can’t talk”: Noticing the tensions between deficit discourses and inclusive early childhood educationWhat is it about the monkey bars?Documenting for inclusion: How do we create an inclusive environment for all children?Thinking skills in the early years: A literature reviewSpotlight on children’s issues: an interview with Anne SmithHow do home-based co-ordinators support educators to notice, recognise, and respond to children’s learning?Spotlight on ICT in early childhood education: An interview with Ann HatherlyNew forms of an old art—children’s storytelling and ICTRedefining professionalism in early childhood practice: a ground-up approach. Views from teachers in care and education settingsChildren and disability in early childhood education: “special” or inclusive education?Enacting a whakawhanaungatanga approach in early childhood educationLearning Dispositions and Key Competencies: a new curriculum continuity across the sectors?Continuity of Learning: adding funds of knowledge from the home environmentAspiring to quality—culturally constructedCommentTe tuangi (the clam): A metaphor for teaching, learning and the key competencies"Stone Crazy": A space where intentional teachers and intentional learners meetAssessment of key competencies, literacy and numeracy: Can these be combined?Relating to others: Three layers of knowingReshaping the learning disposition domains: Rethinking the language for infants and toddlersCo-constructed pathways of learning: A case studyAvoiding “Magical” Thinking in Children: The Case for Teachers’ Science Subject KnowledgeTheoretical approaches to transitionThis is school…where people come to learn for school: What children need to know when they start schoolNoise in early childhood centres and effects on the children and their teachersShifts in Thinking through a Teachers’ NetworkWhat’s Important In Early Years Education? Some messages from researchICT in Pre-School Settings: Benign Addition or Playroom Revolution?Book review; Weaving Te WhārikiQuality improvement in early childhood services in New Zealand using The Quality Journey resource“Don’t eat other people’s lunch”: Children’s views of starting schoolUsing ICT To Document Children’s LearningProgression and Continuity in Early Childhood: Teachers' Theories and Classroom PracticeThe Fence or exploring the challenges of sociocultural assessmentInclusionary early childhood centre policy and procedures: An examination of policies and enrolment protocolsThe transition from kindergarten to school for children with special needsBook review. Making Sense of Early Literacy: A practitioner’s perspectiveEarly childhood education: an enduring legacyThe “child’s questions”: Programme evaluation with Te Whāriki using “Teaching Stories"Early numeracyStarting childcare: What it means for children, mothers and teachersTransition to School from Pacific Early Childhood CentresImplementing a bicultural curriculum: Some ConsiderationsDolls for equity: foregrounding children’s voices in learning respect and unlearning unfairnessDialogues and Projects: Extending young children’s thinkingImages of Empowerment: The outdoor experiences of one-year-old childrenJoint attention: Learning to “know other minds”Blending Te Whāriki and the Ta`iala in early childhood education programmes for bilingual childrenSocial Life and Learning: Peer scaffolding in a new entrant classroomLeadership in Early Childhood: The kindergarten experienceMEN in early childhood teachingWho’s caring for us? Shiftworking women and childcareParental Beliefs and Literacy Practices with kindergarten-age children"Would you like to pack away now?": Improving the quality of talk in early childhood programsPersistence when it's difficult: A disposition to learn for early childhoodEmergent Literacy in KindergartensQuality childcare: do parents choose it?The technical language children use at homeAnau Ako Pasifika: A home-based early childhood project for Pacific Islands families in Aotearoa/New ZealandGood practice to best practice: Extending policies and children's mindsTe kohanga reo: More than a Language NestEthical Quandaries for neophyte early childhood practitionersFactors impacting on children's adjustment to the first year of primary schoolJean Piaget in RetrospectA Hard-headed Look at the Fruits of PlayWhat Joyce Learnt From Her MotherWhat Happens When a Child Starts School? Three books and three projects reviewedOnce Upon a Time, Amongst Blocks and Car Cases . . . Action Research to Enable Girls' Mathematics LearningDifficult-to-Teach Junior School ChildrenTaking Care of Themselves: Children can do better than we thinkAfter School, and in the HolidaysFamily Networks: Who cares for the caregiver while the caregiver's caregiving?It Was Good Fun Getting Here, But What Do I Do Now? A Survey of those who hold the New Zealand Playcentre National Supervisors CertificateTeachers College Students Who Are Also ParentsObservation: The Basic TechniquesThe Use of Video Recording for the Study of Young ChildrenWho Cares for Children? The opening address to the second Early Childhood Care and Development Convention, Christchurch, August, 1979.New Optimism about Pre-school Education: Three Reports from Ypsilanti, MichiganMaternal Deprivation – Fact or Fallacy?How Many People Can a Young Child Feel Secure With?Who Doesn't Get to Pre-School in Newtown?Playgroup EcologyThe Pre-School EnvironmentIs Open Space Just Empty Space?How Important is Fantasy Play?Second Language Education of Young ChildrenDon't Take that Dress Off James! Have we got anywhere in trying to remove sex-role stereotyping in pre-schools and junior school classes? Young Children's Ordering BehaviourWho Talks to William? and Karla, and Susan, and Michael, and ...? Adult-child interaction, particularly conversation, in early-childhood centres.Parents – the Untapped Resource in Special EducationThe Importance of Being FatherTV and Five Year Olds: The Teacher's View. A report from the Going to School ProjectPre-School VolunteersCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentCommentEditorialChinese immigrants in New Zealand early childhood settings: Perspectives and experiencesThe interview: Jane RitchieExploring te ao Māori: The role of museumsThe five debates: Simplifying the contemporary play literatureLooking, listening-in and making meaning: An infant's encounters at childcareWellbeing and narrative identityChildren's working theories: The neglected sibling of Te Whāriki's learning outcomesPedagogy beyond the gate: The Ngahere ProjectThe interview: Geraldine McDonaldThe early childhood–school relationship: Overcoming invisible barriersApplying a model of participation rights in home-based early childhood settings: A case studyWhakapapa: Culturally valid assessment in early childhoodCentre–parent communication about children’s learningEditorialBeyond “killing, screaming and being scared of insects”: Learning and teaching about biodiversity in early childhood educationCommentMarie BellResponding authentically to Pasifika children's learning and identity developmentDispositional teaching in early childhood educationPrincipled practices: Respect and reciprocity through linguistically responsive pedagogySupporting diversity: Picture books featuring same-gender parental familiesExploring ratios and group size as indicators of quality in the New Zealand and Japanese early childhood contextTōku mātauranga oranga: Making visible the learning journey from early childhood education into schoolBuilding culturally respectful learning spaces for Aboriginal childrenTwenty-six days with “Christa” Using autoethnography in reflective practice in early childhood educationDemocracy in early childhood education How information and communication technology contributes to democratic pedagogy and practicesRecent policy developments and the “schoolification” of early childhood care and education in Aotearoa New ZealandMaking changes or holding on: Early childhood teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand engage in identity workQuestions that matter, conversations that count: Implementing critical literacy with young childrenDigital technologies, play, and learningCommentComment“We know what to say—do we know what to do?” Confronting the disconnection between legislation, policy, and practices for inclusion of young children with disabilitiesA safe path: Giftedness in the early yearsEarly childhood teachers’ perspectives on, and experiences of, multicultural educationHow might teachers enrich children’s working theories? Getting to the heart of the matterHe Huarahi Aromatawai— Assessment JourneysTransforming relationships and curriculum: Visiting family homesCommentTransition portfolios: Another tool in the transition keteCommunication that supports positive relationships between preschools and schools at the time of children’s transitionTransition to school: A Swedish perspectiveParent decision-making about early childhood education: Reducing barriers to participationShifting realities: Immigrant teacher transitions into early childhood settings in Aotearoa New Zealand Mapping transitionsPOET programme interviewsComment“I want to say…”: Privileging young children’s voices in iPad-supported assessment for learningParent, whānau, and teacher engagement through online portfolios in early childhood educationAssessment for learning: A comparative study of paper-based portfolios and online ePortfoliosBeyond the gate: A case study of dispositional learning from kindergarten to schoolKia tau te rangimārie: Towards peace-centred, Te Whāriki-based practiceHow do teachers build strong relationships? A study of teaching practices to support child learning and social–emotional competenceCommentE tipu e rea: Messages for early childhood practiceThe initiating parent voice: Placing the child at the heart of the dialogue about learning Impacts and implications of early childhood education social obligationsFamily composition as depicted in the New Zealand Picture Book CollectionSelf-review processes: Using critical discourse analysis to improve practices in early childhood education settingsA pedagogy of listeningComment“You have to start with something”: Picture books to promote understandings of queer cultures, gender, and family diversityRainbows, sameness, and other working theories about identity, language, and culture One centre’s approach to supporting cross-cultural learning and contributionVoices of playgroup: Connecting pedagogy and understandingsCulturally diverse parenting: An Australian studyDoing “belonging” in a Swedish preschoolCommentOur voices: Culturally responsive, contextually located infant and toddler caregivingTwo year olds in ECE: A policy issue for New Zealand?King Solomon and the baby: Children’s health in early childhood educationNgā reo e toru: “Trissessment”—from invitation to expectationSchema learning theory: Enhancing practice within sociocultural teaching, learning and assessmentEmbracing the spirit of ako: Growing partnerships between parents, early childhood educators and researchersSPECIAL ISSUE CALL FOR PAPERS—Children and childhoods: Agency, participation and contributionSPECIAL ISSUE CALL FOR PAPERS—Children and childhoods: Agency, participation and contributionCommentAnne B. Smith 1940−2016: The passing of a great friend, a great scholar and a great advocate for the rights of women and childrenLocal issues on the global stage: Reporting on the UN Convention on the Rights of the ChildConsent, assent and dissent: A case study of one child’s understanding of researchHe waka eke noa: A case study of active participation for a disabled child in an inclusive early childhood community of practiceChildhood undergrounds: Power, resistance, secrets, objects and subversion in early childhood educationToddler agency and conversation analysisTuākana/tēina agency in early childhood educationCommentMathematics in early childhood: Nourishing and nurturing Te KakanoBeyond activities: Exploring real questions for deeper understandings of children’s interestsLeading from a distance: Adopting a heterarchy for building leadership capacityHow do teachers support children’s social–emotional competence? Strategies for teachersYoung children’s creativity in natural outdoor settingsLearning English as an additional language in early childhood settings: How do educators support young children?CommentPedagogical intentions: Enacting a “refreshed” bicultural curriculum positioned at the crossroads of colonial relations, biocultural education, and critical literacyA fantastical journey: Re-imagining Te WhārikiRefreshing our work with infants and toddlers: Mantras from theory and research into practice Exploring new approaches to pathways from early childhood education to schoolLittle boxes, rambling houses, and children’s agencyCreating a rich curriculum through intentional teachingCommentThe influence of Frozen: Young children, performative gender, and popular culturePedagogical strategies that support young children’s civic action: An example from AotearoaPedagogical dialogues with 2 year olds in “preschool” settings: What do they look like?Using puppets to support children’s prosocial thinking and action: “What would we tell Pig and Frog to do?”Children in branches: Navigating the complexity of tree climbing in early childhood educationEarly childhood teacher health and wellbeing: Rights, risks, and implicationsSpecial Issue: Call for PapersBeyond teacher/parent separation: Questioning the 100% qualified teacher policyWhat do they do all day? Exploring the complexity of early childhood teachers’ workWho am I as an early childhood teacher? Who would I like to be?Sooner, rather than later: Addressing leadership development in ECE—A response to the 2019–29 Strategic Plan for Early LearningThe brave and the foolhardy: Excursions in early childhood contexts in Aotearoa New ZealandChildren’s rights and the draft Strategic Plan for Early Learning: Where are the children?People, places and things: Implications for New Zealand’s Strategic Plan for Early LearningCommentThe promise of Te Whāriki (2017): Insights into teachers’ and leaders’ perspectives on teaching, learning and assessment of literacy in the revised curriculumUnderstanding ableism: A teaching and learning tool for early childhood education practitionersAn "open letter to teachers"A collaborative approach to transitions in DannevirkeUnderstanding the motivation of associate teachers in early childhood educationProfessionalism in early childhood teaching: A posthumanist perspectiveCommentNegotiating wellbeing and belonging in an early childhood centre: What children’s conflicts can teach usFacebook: A place to build relationships and to collaboratively support each family’s journey to schoolMana whenua / Belonging through assessment: A kōhanga reo perspectiveTreasure boxes: A strategy for encouraging belongingFostering belonging through cultural connections: Perspectives from parentsWhenuatanga: Our places in the worldCommentBuilding a data culture to enhance quality teaching and learningLanguage strategies for “Early Childhood Education”? Newspeak and He Taonga te Tamaiti Purposeful problem-solving practices in Te Kākano“But I had it first!” Young children, possession, and social problem solving Space speaks: A portrait of an early childhood centre and the affordances provided by the learning environment A research portrait of Greerton Early Learning Centre: Infant and Toddler Centre, Emmett Street, Greerton, TaurangaVoices from the field: Insights into the mental wellbeing of early childhood leadersCommentA sensory landscape of place as an invitation to belonging in early childhood settingsDemocratic practice in early childhood education: A world of possibilities for the young childA conversation about preservice teacher professional identities within initial teacher education spaces and placesThe impact of noise in early childhood settings: A New Zealand perspectiveWorking with others: An investigation of early childhood education and care centre relationships with external organisationsWorking theories: Current understandings and future directionsComment Supporting toddlers as competent story navigators across home and early childhood contextsVisionary women: Sustaining the language and culture in Samoan early childhood centres Japanese children’s experiences in New Zealand early childhood education settingsProvoking opportunities for science in early childhood educationExploring the positive discipline practices of parents of children aged 1–5 years in Aotearoa New Zealand Barriers to and facilitators of inclusion and equity in the workplace for diverse early childhood kaiakoSupporting language, culture and identity using Pacific picturebooks CommentTe Puna Pukapuka Pikitia: Picturebooks as a medium for supporting development of te reo rangatira with kindergarten whānauAn examination of factors related to the co-construction of pedagogical documentation in early learning settingsRecognising young children as mathematicians: Connecting mathematical concepts to practices, pedagogy, and playInsights into Indian immigrant children’s and parents’ experiences of New Zealand early childhood educationUnderstanding disability as socially and culturally constructed – what does this mean for inclusive early childhood education?Teachers’ views of young children’s citizenship in Aotearoa: Discourses and power complexities Young children co-constructing stories with teachersOobleck, cloud dough, popcorn and volcanoes: Supporting scientific learning through intentional teachingWeaving in data knowledge about sustained shared thinking enhances early childhood education practiceResponding to the pandemic: Changing the assessments in early childhood practicum placements by strengthening voice and agencyCommentComment Connecting and communicating: Story interactions in the early yearsMaking sense of Te Whāriki a te Kōhanga Reo through toi Māori: A whānau approachPromoting kaitiakitanga using picturebooksA space for critique: Opening up the world with young children, through the possibilities of critical pedagogy“I need energy to make my brain work”: Supporting children, teachers and whānau through the KidsCan ECE programmeLooking through a spiritual lens to shape inclusive practices for children with additional learning needsCommentUnderstanding Middle Eastern parents’ expectations for their children’s early education in New Zealand: Early childhood teachers’ perspectivesFinding ourselves: E hoki koe ki ō maunga kia purea koe e ngā hau a TāwhirimāteaFrom the shallows to the deep—connecting to Mauao with head and heart “I think my knowledge of intentional teaching is coming from those around me ...”: Intentional teaching and Te Whāriki Including autistic children in mainstream early childhood and care settings: What teachers doHidden stories of our landscapes: Walking and mapping the land with children Deliberate acts of virtual communication: Cellphones as a tool to enhance student learning and engagementLearning through moderation: Minding our languageICT in support of science teaching and learning: Teaching landforms and erosionTeachers as learners: Developing a community of learners through inquiryReflections on being “labelled” by National Standards“21st century thinking”: Hornby High School’s journey so farWhat do student teachers learn from their students?Revised PAT: Listening ComprehensionTeaching young people to learn to swimCan we improve our school governance?A possible future? Senior secondary education in the year 2030Alternative education todayBuilding students' research expertise: history as a case studyDeveloping the teachers we need for the schools we wantDusting off the Teacher's ManualsEarly experiences of longer learning periods at Alfriston CollegeEffective use of Reading Recovery in low-decile schoolsEmpowering students to become self-regulating writers: THE JOURNEY OF ONE CLASSEstimation exposedFAQs about the new PAT: Reading testsFive questions worth asking about self-regulated learningFormative assessment and the ARB websiteFrequently asked questions about assessmentGetting our heads around percentilesA hitchhiker's guide to reliabilityA hitchhiker's guide to validityHome–school partnerships. What are they really?How students interpret poetry: findings from Assessment Resource Banks trials"I know something about forces." Self-regulated learning during science investigations in a junior classroomIf "research" is the answer, what was the question?Information literacy and student researchLonger learning periods for the secondary school day: What does research say?Making school-driven innovations happenMaking sense of measurement scalesOPENING UP A NEW WORLD: Reluctant readers' use of The Game and other storiesReflecting on mathematics journals: The kaleidoscope effectSelf-regulated learning in mathematics classesSome musings about the links between formative assessment and the development of key competenciesStarting out in teaching: Surviving or thriving as a new teacherStudents' experiences of "researching" in different subjectsTaking the first step from secondary schoolThinking about the "big picture": how can school science contribute?Thinking about the key competencies in the light of the intention to foster lifelong learningToo much testing? Finding the signal amongst the noiseUnderstanding the unknown: Looking at algebraic thinking—number propertiesVirtual classrooms: Lessons for teaching and learning in the 21st centuryWhat's happening with the Assessment Resource Banks?Which assessment tool?Who wants to play "Careers"? New research into young people's priorities and the future of careers guidanceThe "something more" in key competenciesLiteracy teaching and learning for the 21st century: Bridging the theory to practice gapPrimary visual art teaching: Supporting teacher confidencePossibilities for summative assessment in social studies Proclaiming the good news: Samoan children, church literacy and comprehensionNational Standards: Thinking wider about sources of evidence NCEA subject choices in mid–low-decile schools: What schools and parents need to know about the university pathway Students and NCEA course choices and allocationsReaching disengaged students through media skillsThinking in science—What might progress look like?Sustaining improvements in student achievement: Myth or reality?Explicit teaching of social skills: Does it lead to behaviour change?To find or to fix: Effective teacher response to error in early literacy learningICT in primary science: Insights from the TELA evaluation“Talk about Books”: Investigating a junior primary oral language programme Going beyond achievement: Spreading our assessment net widerEngaging whānau with children's science learningGetting off to a good start: Employment status and beginning teachersUsing focus groups to support conceptual development in social studies"You can try sound brainy": The use of process drama to engage Pasifika boysFrom "student voice" to "youth–adult partnership"How well do your students understand fractions?Developing statistical literacy with Year 9 studentsCan test results help us make Overall Teacher Judgements?Supporting students' additive thinking: The use of equal additions for subtractionSpotlight on improving educational outcomes: an interview with Stuart McNaughtonSupporting the transition from early childhood education to school: Insights from one Centre of Innovation projectSpotlight on children's issues: an interview with Anne SmithBullying on the bus: prevalence and preventionBeyond the school gate: provisions for gifted and talented studentsCan drama enhance visual-art making?RĀPP: tape-assisted reading to support students' literacy in Māori in two bilingual schoolsFirst language literacy skill transfer in a second language learning environment: STRATEGIES FOR BILITERACY"How many sounds in ox?" A survey of linguistic knowledge that teachers might need to teach reading and spelling effectivelyAddress at the launch of The Hidden Lives of Learners, by Graham NuthallThe power of student voiceStudents' perspectives on teacher questioning in the secondary classroomLiteracy, cultural diversity, and home–school partnershipsSpotlight on literacy: An interview with Professor Tom NicholsonReading-related language abilities: Māori children “at promise” Play, prey or “sexploration”? Understanding and responding to sexual actions by children at primary schoolNZCER: Building on a 75-year storyLet it rip—Patero at its best!Enabling students to lead the way: Healthy lifestyles and healthy futuresViewing schools as a health and wellbeing system: Does this fit with the revised curriculum?History students voice their thinking: An opening for professional conversationsChanging the assessment focus in scienceSpotlight on effective teaching: An interview with John HattieLessons from Sweden: Male teachers in the primary schoolFractions: Partitioning and the part-whole conceptA burning issue: What is the impact of school fires?Challenges for science educationThe Te Kotahitanga Effective Teaching ProfileConnecting science teachers with their Māori students: Linking one school’s tuata with forest ecologyTe Pikinga ki Runga: Raising PossibilitiesMathematics and Māori-medium education: Learners’ perspectivesHitting the roof: Understanding ceiling effectsSpotlight on leadership: An interview with Professor Viviane RobinsonAbusive and inappropriate sexual behaviour among Years 7 and 8 students: A survey of teachersSurviving teaching: Learning from Japanese native-speaker teachersUnderstanding and responding to the tensions between deficit discourses and inclusive educationAn unexpected breakthrough for rapid reading improvement: AVAILLL uses movies so students read it, see it and get itThe Powerful Learning ProcessEmbracing the power of texting: Eliminating playground noncompliance and aggressionExploring the use of an interactive whiteboard in a primary science classroomOpportunities and challenges in technology-rich classrooms: Using the Scratch softwareAssessment development at NZCER in 2009Spotlight on the culture of the classroom: An interview with Mere BerrymanRealising Māori student capability: An alternative approach to supporting students to maximize their potential Supporting the development of a positive school culture Basic facts: Start with strategies, move on to memorisation Do they get the picture? Feedback in primary classrooms The active construction of curricula: Primary teachers' perspectives Developing teaching knowledge in primary technology Making connections in the teaching and learning of science and technologyMore than talk and writing: Exploring the multimodal nature of classroom interactions Jumping to conclusions: Making too much of one responseSpotlight on learning pathways: An interview with Margaret Carr“Proud to be Kiwi”: How we created a play from no prewritten script for a formal productionPutting the Nature of Science strand into the water cycleStudent-centred curriculum integration and The New Zealand Curriculum“Students First” and nurturing networks: Visualising positive futures for New Zealand secondary studentsSchool council research: Student researchers help inform spending decisionsPaying attention to detail: Getting readers to think small so they can think bigImproving students’ writing: The impact of teacher knowledge and student-focused practiceAsian students in New Zealand classrooms: Their perceptions of supports and barriers to reading achievementHow can the needs of advanced bilingual learners be met in primary schools?Raising students’ literacy achievements in secondary school: Findings from teacher–researcher partnershipsAssessment Resource Banks and the new curriculumFAQs about the new PAT:Reading tests (reprinted with corrections)Spotlight on assessment: an interview with Terry CrooksInfluences on Pasifika students' achievement in literacyTeaching for Scholarship successStudents think history and teachers learnEffective bicultural leadership: A way to restore harmony at school and avoid suspensionWhat principals want in a "male role model"Integrated use of ICT in primary schools: A case study of a high-decile schoolMove over teacher: sharing control of learning with our students using a transformative approach through education for sustainabilityFast horses, slow cows: Context and mathematical tasksPupils' views of the curriculum: are you 'in the know'?"If they don't care, then I won't": The importance of caring about our students' mathematics learningDoes numeracy = mathematics?Extending guided reading with critical literacyGreat expectations: Academic and social outcomes for studentsGreat expectations: Pedagogical beliefs and instructional practicesAcquiring the mathematics register in classroomsPhonological awareness: Investigating the phonological awareness knowledge of New Zealand primary schools' educatorsHand-hygiene facilities and food-safety education: A survey of New Zealand schoolsMultiple perspectives on a withdrawal programme for students gifted in mathematicsMissing the point: REPORTING ON STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT TO KOREAN PARENTS AT ONE NEW ZEALAND HIGH SCHOOLWhat's wrong with school improvement?LEARNING DISPOSITIONS and KEY COMPETENCIES: a new curriculum continuity across the sectors?CONTINUITY OF LEARNING: adding funds of knowledge from the home environmentStrengthening written language—a cluster approachFISHING WITH THE NEW NET ... transfer of students’ information-literacy skills between the secondary and tertiary environmentsHow well do our students achieve? A summary of 35 years of international comparisonsWhat makes for successful integrated use of ICT in a low-decile primary school?Behaviour intervention: a pilot programmeStudents take the lead: moving towards student-led conferencesHow I feel about maths at school—accessing children's understandings through their drawingsWho should decide the curriculum?Planning your research projectProfessional development through teacher enquiryMale teachers in primary schoolsText-bullying: is it related to relational or verbal aggression?Beginning teaching: stress, satisfaction and resilienceExperiential learning in the context of educating for a sustainable future: is it an appropriate pedagogy for shifting teachers' thinking and engaging learners?What do Year 8 students know and understand about New Zealand society? Findings from a NEMP probe studyMultiple intelligences: fashionable or foundational?Inquiry-based curriculum integration in the secondary schoolINFORMATION LITERACY and evidence-based practiceHelping students to use metacognitionWhat factors promote and support Pasifika students in reading and writing?LITERACY TEACHING AND LEARNING DURING THE SECONDARY YEARS: Establishing a pathway for success to NCEA and beyondIllustrating quality social studies learning: Cases from the exemplar projectSMART START WITH PMP: Implementation, management, and evaluationEvidence of phonological-based word identification deficits among children with reading difficultiesTeaching gifted and talented students in all classrooms: Research-based questions and answers“Do we get our say?” Negotiating the curriculum with students at riskDeveloping young children’s creativity: What can we learn from research?Theatre and open-ended play in the early years: Combining to promote opportunities for creativityTeaching and Educational Research in New Zealand: Directions, dilemmas, and dangersMathematics word problems and Year 12 studentsAddressing mathematical promiseHome–school partnerships in mathematics educationWhat do pupils think about ICT?Writing with a word processorMāori students in science and mathematics: Junior programmes in secondary schoolsStudents reading together: A modified reciprocal teaching approachEnvironmental education in New Zealand schools: Challenges for sustainability"I feel I belong here": The culture and ethos of inclusive schoolsYoung people and bereavementTransitions within the centre & to school: Research at a Samoan-language immersion centreNew understandings of educational leadershipLEADERSHIP LEARNING THROUGH COACHINGSelling our education: Income and cultural diversity or disadvantaging domestic students?Celebrating 30 years: Highlights & historyAn integrative curriculum approach to road safety educationFuture thinking: One school's experience of teaching thinking strategies"In, about, and for": Exploring the foundations of environmental educationEnvironmental education in New Zealand schools: Characteristics and achievementsLet's ask: "Is the content important to our students?"The decline in jumping standardsFind the moralInfluences on gifted students' motivation: Fostering healthy hearts & mindsLearning social and co-operative skills in Year 1 classroomsChinese-speaking students' perceptions of learning science in English in New Zealand"I was born with a few disabilities—this does not stop me from trying my best and I give most things a go." Inclusion from the perspectives of students with disabilitiesNews and Views - mainly for parents, whānau, and caregiversSchool Reports: “Praising With Faint Damns”Environmental education: Roots in the past, visions of the future, opportunities in the presentTheoretical approaches to transitionEffective Reading Programmes in the Junior School: How some schools produce high literacy levels at Year 3HIGHLIGHTING CHILDREN'S AWARENESS OF THEIR TEXTS THROUGH TALKNew ways of thinking about raising boys' achievementCelebrating a Continuing ServiceLearners and Outcomes: Where did all the children go?Moving from the One-off: Supporting progression in technology"Put your finger on your nose if you are proud of your technology!" Technology in the new entrant classroomPutting Students at the Centre: Developing effective learners in primary technology classroomsAssessment in Technology is not a Written Language ExerciseCan we keep it? Yes we can!: A summary of the Books in Homes programme evaluationChildren’s notions of commutativity: Do we need more than “turn-arounds”?National consultation on exemplars: What difference does it make for teachers?“Here there is no boss”: Alternatives to the lone(ly) principalYou can’t investigate in a vacuumWrite to Spell in Primary ClassroomsWhat’s news in education? Peer influences on learningPartnerships: Accomplishing important work togetherThe importance of the teacher/student relationship for Māori and Pasifika studentsThis is school…where people come to learn for school: What children need to know when they start schoolEnvironmental education for secondary studentsCatching the Knowledge Wave? The Knowledge Society: what does it mean for education?The Band-Aid StripYoung children’s understanding of volumeTeacher feedback to students in numeracy lessons: Are students getting good value?The meaning of “equals”KANOHI KI TE KANOHI: Establishing partnerships between schools and Māori communitiesDo pupils with learning difficulties need teaching strategies that are different from those used with other pupils?Curriculum FramingSCHOOL ENTRY ASSESSMENT TASKS: Why do teachers use them – or not?Exercising Teachers’ Choice of NEMP Tasks: Bringing assessment resources into the classroomARBs in the ASSESSMENT MIXFormative assessment and the professional development of teachers: Are we focusing on what is important?What tools and strategies do teachers use to assess Years 5, 7, and 9 students in English and mathematics?How useful do teachers find the tools and strategies they use for assessing English and mathematics at Years 5, 7, and 9?Environmental education in Otago primary schools: EDUCATION for the ENVIRONMENT?asTTle: An Early Exploration of New Technology for Teachers“Don’t eat other people’s lunch”: Children’s views of starting schoolWhole class INTERACTIVE TEACHINGListening to read: Further research on the tape assisted reading programme (TARP)Teachers as researchers: A professional necessity?Teacher talk to improve teaching practicesUsing achievement information to raise student achievementInclusion: What happened after Special Education 2000?Reporting to parentsWhen schooldays are over, what sense of science lingers? Marking and feedbackPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: What makes it work? Building a “vocabulary of experiences”: Supporting children’s learning in science centresMeeting individual educational needs: Legal identification, or systemic support?Dr CE Beeby and the quality of education Making judgments about children’s numeracy strategiesHow high should we aim? An examination of progress in the Early Numeracy ProjectDo Year 9 students need help with fractions and multiplying?Developing numeracy through Cognitively Guided InstructionWhat do teachers get out of in-class modelling? Kaiako Toa: Highly successful teachers in low decile schoolsSchool size and achievement of primary and intermediate studentsStudents with disabilities and their parents talk about friendships and relationships at school Reading across the curriculum: Secondary school students talk about themselves as readersTeachers’ talk helps learning: The quality learning circle approachToward a knowledgeable society?Levels-based assessment of writing: Scoring guides from the Assessment Resource Banks“Writing sux!” Boys and writing: What’s the problem?The effective teaching of writingPaired writing: Helping beginning writers get startedStudent interest in science: Analysis of data from the Assessment Resource BanksTransition to school from Pacific Early Childhood CentresNEMP experiences: Teachers talk about lessons learned and changes to their assessment practicesEnhancing student learning in technology through enhancing teacher formative interactionsAttitudes of primary school Australian Aboriginal children to their linguistic codesEducating students in the middle: Getting it right with or without middle schoolsTroubled transition: How to ensure that educational transition points do not interrupt student learningTeam teaching in the middle school: Critical factors for successCurriculum delivery for Years 7 to 10Word processors: drafting, crafting, or presentation tools? Students’ use of computers for writing in two primary schoolsNgā Kete Kōrero: A framework for assigning levels of difficulty to existing and new Māori reading resourcesDrama as a framework for the development of literacyMaking the most of testing: An examination of different assessment formatsEssential Skills Assessments: Information Skills. How well can students read between the lines?Schools' learning journeys: Evaluating a new approach to professional development in literacy at Viscount SchoolSchools' learning journeys: Reporting to parents at Nga Iwi SchoolSchools' learning journeys: Progressive Achievement Testing at Southern Cross Middle SchoolSchools' learning journeys: Evaluating a literacy intervention at Dawson Road Primary SchoolSchools doing it for themselves: Successful professional developmentStudent ‘belief effects’ in remedial reading: Stories from six severely reading disabled adolescentsGender, ethnicity and literacy acquisition by age sixCuriosity kits: The impact of non-fiction book bags on boys’ reading at homeThe perceived impact of the technology curriculumDifference and desire: Dividing classrooms by ethnicityReport card for integrated learning systems (SuccessMaker): Is there evidence of improved literacy and numeracy outcomes?The serious limitations of ‘learning style’Guided reading for beginning readers: Do the guidelines work?Supporting curriculum learning and language learning with an ESOL learner in a mainstream classSchool cultureTeacher perceptions of the use and value of formative assessment in secondary English programmesWords matter: Thinking and talking about writing in the classroomAll keyed up: The use of computers, at home and at school, by children with special needsAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD): Clues and strategies for coping at schoolCurriculum integration: what it is and is notCo-operative learning: What it has to offer New Zealand teachersIntroducing CLICK!: Computers and Learning in Classrooms: K-6Roll change and the removal of zoning, 1991-1998Good talk in the classroom: a collaborative classroom research projectPacific nations students in primary teacher training: Investigating their learning needsDiagnosing misconceptions in science: Understanding Planet Earth and BeyondThe behaving schoolListening to culture: Maori principles and practices applied to support classroom management“Girls, just be sensible! Boys, come out from under the table!” Initial encounters in the classroomAn ecological approach to understanding behaviour: Comprehensive and culturally appropriate strategies towards student successBullying in schools: Issues for New Zealand teachersKaupapa Maori messages for the mainstreamBoys’ educational underachievement: An overview of some developments in BritainThe transition from kindergarten to school for children with special needsA cultural audit for teachers: Looking out for Maori learners with special needsDot, slash, cross: How assessment can drive teachers to ticking instead of teachingInformation skills: How well can New Zealand students find information?School entry assessment: Implementation issuesGroup assessment: Exploring the influence of the gender composition of the groupDiagnosing misconceptions in mathematics: Using the Assessment Resource Banks to remedy student errorsFuture teachers' perceptions of Australian indigenous people"The whole you is the principal: therefore understand yourself"Teachers working in isolation? Enhancing professional conversationsBehaviour and violenceHow good schools function: Exploring the processes within value-added schools in New ZealandMultiage grouping in Victorian schools: Does it make a difference?When will social studies become more "social" and less "studies"?Thinking mathematically: Problem solving, sense-making, and communicatingDifficulties with decimals and using everyday knowledge to overcome themIntegrating values education into the mathematics classroomMapping literacy achievement: The 1996 Australian National School English Literacy SurveyWhat do students know in science? Analysis of data from the Assessment Resource BanksInformation skills: Their impact on learningCreating a culture of respect: A state secondary school's journeyDeveloping emotional intelligence in the classroomThe value of Keeping Ourselves Safe, The views of intermediate school students and their parents Social life and learning: Peer scaffolding in a new entrant classroomPlayground politics: Social interactions of children with disabilities in regular and special school playgroundsAn enigma in our schools: Students who are academically talented and learning-disabledParents' and teachers' perception of gifted provisionEducation vouchers: The research evidencePrincipals working with principals: Keeping education at the centre of practiceReading recovery: A case studyAchieving literacy for the hardest-to-teach: A third chance to learnThe acquisition of numeracyEncountering interactive television: A pilot study of the introduction of a new educational technology in Victorian schoolsMiddle schooling — a challenge for policy and curriculum: Findings of the National Middle Schooling Project Report "School effects", "value added" and all that...Conflict resolution at Mackay State High School: Ongoing case studyAiming for Student Achievement: How teachers can understand and better meet the needs of Pacific Island and Maori students"A lot of 'em get so shamed": Koori students, risks, shame, and the classroom curriculumWhole-language teachers and phonics: Not "do they?" but "how much is enough?"Promoting Māori language through reading and interactive tasksTeachers need help: Primary music education in AustraliaFood technologyPromoting number sense rather than number skillsPolitics, civics curricula, and decision making in schools: Can schools change student cynicism?Responses to questions teachers and administrators frequently ask about inclusive school programmes"Good" teaching and learning: A matter of perception?Learning technologies teacher capabilities: A framework for professional developmentD.A.R.E. to scrutiniseSelf-esteem and self-talk enhancement in upper primary school childrenEntrepreneurship: Inadequate Perceptions Of The Educator's RolePlacing and pacing in Beginning School MathematicsProblem solving In MathematicsTask demands and instructional support in mathematics: Influences on strategic learning behaviours of secondary studentsIntervention in MathematicsWhat makes for an effective literacy learning activity? Seven Years of Observation and AnalysisTeaching HSC English: The culture of uncertaintyMāori education in mainstream schoolsFactors impacting on children's adjustment to the first year of primary schoolAdult-child relationships in early childhood programmesGiving voice to young childrenProfessional practice in education: Research and issuesWhat's the Point? Changes in students' beliefs about academic work in transition from primary school to secondary schoolThe gender differential in reading: Are boys failing the system or is the system failing boys?Children's understanding of probability concepts: Some ideas for the classroom"Key" competencies for all students? Australian teachers' views and practicesA Study of "effective" departments in secondary schools in the United KingdomChange & the New Zealand primary school curriculumHelping left-handed childrenComputer immersion in a grade 5/6 classroom: Key questions and management issuesUsing student and teacher perceptions to assess classroom environmentTwo at the top: Power sharing at Selwyn CollegeSpecial Places, Special People: The hidden curriculum of school groundsEmpowerment . . . through professional developmentDimensions of social behaviours: Five-year-olds at schoolAges and stages: A guide to class nomenclatureParents & teachers: Building bridges for the future?The Corporate Invasion of Schooling: Some implications for pupils, teachers, and educationGetting It Together: Cross-cultural communicationLearning in the distributed classroomA beginner's guide to the InternetParent and teacher relationships: It's a matter of what they think of each otherEffective communication in schools: Can a business model be of value in education?Involving parents in assessment: The home-school partnership in recording progressMaking the transition from Year 12: The relationship between decision-making style and information gatheringHow young people make Career decisionsWhat do children think about families?Home-based education: Not "does it work?" but "why does it work so well?"Visual skills for learningBook buying in school libraries: Hit or miss?The magic boxViolence in schools: principals' perspectivesGoals and school motivation: Aboriginal and Navajo PerspectivesSpelling Instruction In Primary SchoolsFamily Violence and Children: How schools can respondThe Dynamics of support CirclesThe Phonic Debate RevisitedClassroom Discipline: Teachers' PreferencesNot The Class Novel: A different reading programLearning Styles and Learning Outcomes. Based on Kolb's Learning Style InventoryMulti-age groupingCo-operative Small Groups in Mathematics: The Perceptions and Involvement of Intermediate StudentsIs there a case for integrated learning systems?Play as healingSuggestions from children on how to help us behaveI Would Have Told Them If They'd AskedThe dynamics of information problem solvingWhat Do Students Think "Learning" is and How Do They Do It? A cross-cultural comparisonUsing CD-ROM story books to encourage reading developmentThe Group Interview: One aspect of selecting applicants for teacher educationChildren as Problem SolversWhy so many adolescent girls want to lose weightFocusing on Technology Education: The effect of concepts on practiceChildren's Response to TeachersChildren's Understanding of the SuperheroesRoad Safety Education for Young Children: Learning or playing?Constructing adolescent bodies: Some problems for health promotion through physical educationThe Course Experience of Year 12 Students: Results from "Youth in Transition"The Draw-a-Scientist Test: What do young children think of science and scientists?Don't compare, complement: Making the best use of Science Centres and MuseumsBreaking Down The Barriers: A Health Initiative Involving School and CommunityBeyond Expectations: Using calculators with young childrenLanguage Revival and ReversalLearning Mathematics IN MAORITatari Tautoko Tauawhi: A Maori language reading tutoring programmeBuilding Bridges to Individuals: Maxims for teaching composite classesTeaching Can Be Hazardous to Your HealthRe-Placing the Arts in EducationWonderland Beyond the BLACK HOLEMeasuring Print Exposure in New Zealand classroomsTRT: Title Recognition TestAssessment Strategies for the New Zealand Curriculum FrameworkKindly Take Your SeatsFour terms instead of threeHow Pupils LearnDrawing What You Know and Feel: Finding out what school beginners really think of teaching and schooling...Some schools are more equal than others... Schools and market choice in Aotearoa, 1994Prior Knowledge and How it Influences Classroom Learning. What does the Research tell us?Whole learning, with a hypertext computer project to helpTaking science in chunks: Students' Reactions to Modular Science and Internal AssessmentTask Design, Dialogue and LearningFractions: A weeping sore in mathematics educationA day at the stock market: The Role of IQ in the Transfer of Knowledge and Life-Course OutcomesListening and Speaking: Vital parts of any second language programmeDiversity (and Geometry) in a multicultural schoolReading to Pre-schoolers: Models of TutoringActivity, Fitness, Mental Health, and Mood'Don't patronise us!'The too hard basket? Closing the gap between parents and teachersThe Mathematical Needs of School LeaversLiteracy on the jobThe Young Employed and Unemployed: Their use of spare time and their psychological well-beingRestructuring Students for Restructured WorkThe Process of ReadingThree Dozen's a CrowdA Day at the Races: IQ, expertise, and cognitive complexityWatching Oneself TeachIncreasing Students' Motivation to LearnThinking about Thinking: A training programme in problem-solving strategiesCritical ThinkingWomen's Franchise: A PlayLearning to be Intelligent or Oh Good, That Was Clever! Teaching How to ThinkThere Will Still Be Days: Profile of a TruantMeasuring the Effects of SchoolingListening: What Our Pupils Tell UsQuestionable Assumptions Underlying Secondary School ClassroomsAchieve is Choice!'I've found my memory!': Reciprocal Teaching in a Primary SchoolHow Lack of Confidence in Spelling Affects Children's Written ExpressionThe (Relatively) Constant ConsonantLiteracy: In Classrooms, Curriculums, Assessments and PoliticsConflict and Resolution During Co-operative Learning with ComputersWhen Aptitude and Preference Mis-matchWords and Images in Print and on ScreenWhat Principals Think of Their Beginning TeachersEducational strategies for Chronically ill students - with a special section on Chronic Fatigue SyndromeMeasuring Added Value in SchoolsPractice 10, Theory 5. An examination of the depth of learningGambling with mathsA Matter of Survival: stress and the emergency teacherPeer Tutoring in Computer SkillsExamsmanship and the Liberal ArtsContent and MethodsWhat Mathematicians Do and why it is important in the classroomHopes and Fears of Students in Australian SchoolsExamining classroom talk: structure and talk in literacy lessons examined from a metacognitive perspectiveWielding Power in the ClassroomGoing Back to School as an AdultStudents-at-risk: identification and intervention: a case studyTeasing and Bullying Among Young High School StudentsSenior school maths, university styleHoles in the mind: cognitive development and cognitive deficitRules, Rules, Rules: Our Rule-governed Behaviour and Its Implications for TeachingThe Co-operative Reading Resource and How It Changed the Reading Skill of 8- and 9-Year-OldsReady to Read in the South PacificTeaching in a Multi-ethnic SchoolTeaching Our Students: Adapting teaching styles to cultural and class differencesTeacher Evaluation Form – SocratesThe crisis in educationKindergarten Children Who Cause ConcernHelping One Another Learn: discussion in junior mathematicsCan I help? I'll be your friend: discussion in junior mathematicsFrom College to ...? Asking New Zealand principals, 2 years on, about the new system of hiring beginning teachersAppraising teachers: Is There Light Without Heat?How To Single Out a SchoolSuccess is not enough: differences between children & chimpanzeesIn the Company of AuthorsThx rxxl bxxks dxbxtx xs pxxntlxssReading But not understandingTitular Colonicity and Scholarship Revisited: Research and Scholarly ImpactMemorable TextFact + Fiction = Faction‘Our Teachers Never Come Back After Christmas’: Teacher Satisfaction, The Community and School ImprovementSenior Secondary School Courses: A Study of courses that provide diversity, involvement and successFrom Secondary School to Work in JapanA Great Waste of TalentPoverty and PerformanceTwin studies of spelling: A new look at where poor spellling comes from and what to do about itMoment-by-moment Decisions a Teacher Makes in the Classroom: A new research approach to teaching styleTV and HomeworkPaired writing: helping beginning writers get startedEvaluation of the Process of WritingKeeping ourselves safe: A personal safety curriculum examinedDoes the Moral Judgement Level of Teachers Really Matter? Teachers' reasoning and moral judgement when discipliningEncouraging creativity: The influence of motivation on writing poetryPoetry, Poets, and Poetry TeachersIs more of the same better? Studies of Grade Repetition and its effects at primary levelKnowing your place: The Ability of Young Children to Rank Themselves for Academic AbilityOut of the Frying Pan... Learning and Teaching in First Year University Biological SciencesTen days in new entrant classroomsDesigning and Evaluating Programmes for Students With Special Educational Needs in Secondary SchoolsFencing In, Turning Down, Belting Up: Early Childhood Injury PreventionThe Greenhouse effect: what do we, and our pupils, need to consider?Children's Attitudes to the Natural EnvironmentTeaching Money making: School Based Enterprise in Australia; The Value of Mini-enterprises in BritainHow Young Pupils' Memories WorkSolving – Not Solving: Learning and Remembering Solutions to ProblemsWorking With Children Who Have a Life-Threatening IllnessAccommodating At-Risk PupilsWhat Do Teachers Do All Day? or, Innovation Has Its PriceFrom Disadvantaged to AdvantagedA role for Print Literacy in a Free Communications Market?Dealing with ProcrastinationUnderstanding Exemplary TeachingParents Teaching in SchoolsEvaluating Learning in MathematicsModified sports: Kiwi and Aussie: The schools' experience of the programmeIQ Tests and Cultural DistanceSchool Climate: Assessing and Improving School EnvironmentsSchool-Level Environment Questionnaire (SLEQ)Size, Costs, Curriculum in Secondary SchoolsEducation and EmploymentGood and Bad in Prime Time TV for KidsGirls are better than Boys?Small children solve big problemsIncreasing Meta-learning. Part 2: Thinking BooksFinding Your First Job: From College to Classroom Under New RulesWeather and WickednessLessons from Mrs A and Mrs P: Helping Children Understand the Formal Symbolic Language of ArithmeticTeenage Perceptions in a Still Nuclear Age: An Up-date, 1989'I only think of the men ... I don't think of the women'Children and Superstars of WrestlingBehaviour Disordered ChildrenLet Someone Else Deal with Them: A study of students referred to an 'Activity Centre'Diverse society: Diverse education?The Playground Jungle: Bullies, Victims and Intervention StrategiesLooking Inside the Physical Education LessonJunior School Class Size: Where are we now?What Are the Benefits of Single-sex Maths Classes?For Adolescent Eyes Only: The Use of 'Low Culture' Films in EducationIncreasing Meta-learning: Part 1 - Encouraging Students to Ask QuestionsInflated Marks: The relationship between standard of work and mark awardedRescaling School-based AssessmentsRubrics in technologyTeacher research: Are the outcomes worth the struggle?Half empty or half full?Getting the most out of professional developmentConnecting learners with their pasts as a way into historyCreating opportunities for learning with mathematical tasksThinking skills in the early years: A literature reviewSpotlight on spelling: An interview with Cedric CroftFocusing on relationships creates safety in schoolsPraising Māori children: getting it rightRelational pedagogy and the ArtsCreating opportunities through care in the mathematics classroomReport back from surveys of primary schoolsInfusing peer assessment into classroom programmes: Descriptions of practiceFeatures of a positive work environment for early career teachersPartnerships with parents: Children with special education needs starting primary school Historical significance and sites of memoryUsing multimodal texts to build engagement and achievement in literacyAn initiative to counter the “summer reading drop”: An iterative processAchieving success: The role of metacognition in secondary literacy learning What is a rich task?Imag-ining the nation: Illustration and identity in the New Zealand School JournalEditorialThe challenges of graph interpretation in scienceThe schooling experiences of Pasifika studentsA health promoting schools approach to bullyingThe SCIAnTICT project: Technology-enhanced teaching and learning of primary science"What can I do about Māori underachievement?" Critical reflections from a non-Māori participant in Te KotahitangaPrincipled practice: Secondary teachers collaborate to bring a language focus to their content teachingThe expressive realities of 5- and 6-year-olds in low socioeconomic schoolsUsing metacognition to explore spelling strategiesErrors in test results: The "quick guide" part 1Editorial: set in the 21st centuryEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialEditorialTotal wellbeing: Health education for the new millenniumHealth Education in New Zealand: Issues, challenges, and blueprint for the futureSexuality education in New Zealand: What adolescents are being taught and what they really want to knowWhat is real? Students' perceptions of physical educationIf We Change It They Will Come: Creating School Athletic Carnivals Where All Children WinManaging to teach physical education: from pre-service to in-serviceTesting on the net: Assessment Resource Banks in mathematics and scienceComputer attitudes, gender, and exploratory behaviour in preschoolersTaking the first byte: Lessons from a classroom-based IT initiativeBullyproofing our school: What do the pupils think?Walkabout in Sixth Grade"Just something that I have to do": Year 12 students talk about VCEMaking a difference by managing dilemmasAges and stages: A guide to class nomenclature - AsiaWho Gets to Teach?Onside with OnlineTeachers' Centres: Premise or Premises?The Same Mistakes: But More OftenThe promotion of women in the teaching serviceFifteen thousand hours: findings and implicationsThe foundations of school testingTest evaluation sheetLearning time and teaching for masteryBeginning teachers: modern day robinson crusoesThe microcomputer in schoolWanted: gifted teachers for gifted kidsBooks: Research into the reading, buying, and borrowing of books in New ZealandThe anatomy of a word listCoping with volatile situations: A guide for teachersThe importance of being fatherHow important is fantasy play?Non-verbal tests in schoolsDr FoxChildren's knowledge of timeSlow learners, segregated, and integratedScale for rating behavioural characteristics of superior studentsImproving the format of classroom testsA test is a test are testsGlossaryVertical grouping in New Zealand secondary schoolsThe eating habits of New Zealand school childrenLanguage and behaviourThe pronunciation of english in New ZealandEarly childhood education in New ZealandFind the MoralSpecific learning disability definitionsAssessing the worth of instructional materialsFamily day-carePredicting and preventing child abuseTeaching styles and pupil progress: what the book saysA close look at the cloze testMaternal deprivation: fact or fallacy?Is bilingualism a handicap?Second language education of young childrenThe Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)Structured language programmes for pre-school childrenLanguage and social classChildren of working mothersSchool and communityThe development of meaningThe father's roleUsing the essay as an assessment techniqueHuman characteristics and school learningNational children's bureauSlow learner education in New ZealandThe bereaved childChildren in trafficWhat does boarding school do to a boy?Can children make a comeback after a poor start?Gifted children : do we deserve them?Scale for rating behavioral characteristics of superior studentsCo-educational or single-sex schools?Research on the effects of television on children's behaviourChildren at risk: multi-disciplinary research in aucklandResearch information and test advisory servicesResearch briefsResearch from the regionsResearch project fileLearning through discussion: a review of researchLearning through discussionThe banking concept in educationTeachers talk too muchThe lecture in teachingTechniques in small group discussionAttitudes to teaching methodsThe liberation of the mindEditorialPrincipal instructional leadership and secondary school performanceDeveloping statistical numeracy in primary schoolsIntegrating ethics into primary science programmesMaking the most of science learning opportunities in the primary schoolSocial studies integrity in an integrated inquiry unitTe tuangi (the clam): A metaphor for teaching, learning and the key competenciesAssessment of key competencies, literacy and numeracy: Can these be combined?Co-constructed pathways of learning: A case studyGlobally delayed development: Developing students’ motor skillsErrors in test results: The “quick guide” part 2Falling RollsMore Time at School? New Zealand Trends in School ParticipationRetrenchment and Restraint in Educational Expenditure, 1880-1980Good Spelling: The Search Goes OnJean Piaget in RetrospectBreaking the Sex-stereotyping Circle'Well Begun is Half Done': A School Wide Project for Better DisciplinePupils on PunishmentCriterion-referenced MeasurementThree Dozen's a CrowdI Knew Who I Was When I Got Up This Morning: The Transitions of AdolescenceWhat makes good software?Teachers Should Read? The Periodical Literature of the Teaching Profession: Concerns and CuresResearch InformationResearch BriefsResearch from the Regions: Sex Stereotypes in Readers and Open Planned ClassroomsSchools CouncilResearch Project FileToo Great A Risk!Moral Development : 1Lifeline: Moral Education ProjectMoral Development : 2Test Information: The scope and purpose of pupil evaluationTest InformationWhat Can Research Tell Us About Secondary School Examinations?Could Teachers Be Doing Worthwhile Research?Class Size: Big School Versus Small SchoolResearch BriefsParental Involvement in SchoolsCan You Teach Hostile Students?Assessment of Spoken EnglishAn Early Wellington KindergartenTeaching Poetry: What Kinds of Poems Do Children Like?Research Brief: Learning a Second Language VocabularyResearch Brief: Rewards and MotivationResearch Brief: The Examination GameResearch Brief: Team TeachingA Language for Life: The Bullock ReportCorporal Punishment: Are There Effective Alternatives?A Parable for Our TimesIntelligence and Intelligence TestingThe Pre-School Environment: Why Are Some NZ Kindergartens So Noisy?/Is Open Space Just Empty Space?/Stand-Off And WatchIndividualized Learning: An IntroductionHou are our Skools Teaching Speling?To Stream or Not to Stream?Open Plan: Who Benefits?Teaching About Drugs: Research on the Effects of Drug Education ProgrammesTV and Five-Year-Olds: The Teachers' ViewA Second Language - An Outward-looking Balance?Behaviour Modification: For Citizens and AcademiciansBehaviour Problems in ChildrenDiagnostic Tests of ReadingEducational Research in the South PacificDo Primary School Children Appreciate Mathematics?The Condition of History in our Secondary SchoolsResearch Brief: Sex Roles and Sex DifferencesResearch Brief: The Family with a Handicapped ChildResearch Brief: The Effects of Family Size and Birth Order on Child DevelopmentResearch Brief: Schools can help pupils?An Act to make further Provision for the Education of the People of New ZealandThe New Zealand GazettePAT: Study Skills TestsGifted Children: The School SituationDeciding About DrugsThe Aggressive ChildResearch Brief - Violent and Disruptive Pupils: School VandalismAdolescent Needs in the Urban EnvironmentPre-School VolunteersResearch Brief: Children with Spina BifidaIs Anyone Listening?The Almost Invisible WomanResearch Brief: Children in HospitalSpecific Learning Disability: ProblemsSpelling Achievement: Weighing the ResearchFifth Formers: English Teachers: Poetry:New Zealand Research on The Arts in EducationGoing to School: A Guide for ParentsReading: Smith's Rule, McAndrew's Ploy, Bedwell's ConditionUnited Nations Declaration of Childrens RightsFOSSIC - A Study Skills Rating ScheduleWorking with Pacific Island and Maori ParentsTV and ReadingForms of Assessment in Secondary SchoolsBilingual Education: Teaching Children in Two LanguagesA Suitable Case for ImitationWhat Do Maori Children Think of Themselves?From School to What?Research Your School's Vocational Education EffectivenessSet Index 1974 - 1978Young People and AlcoholReading In NZ Schools: A survey of our theory and practiceParents as Remedial Reading Tutors: A Report on the Work of the Mangere Home and School ProjectPutting the answer before the question: A new way of understanding reading comprehension.Teaching Television CommercialsThe Skills of FriendshipGrowing up in Great BritainCurriculum: a catalyst for change - challenges for the futureStories to Read in ClassGive Them a Good HandWriting to an AppleCopy ThisTeaching Left-Handers to WriteReading and Working MemoryWhat Comes After One?Classroom DisciplineThe FullstopStudents at Victoria UniversityTeachers College Students Who Are Also ParentsPAT: Study SkillsThe Confusing World of High School ReadingDrugs Demystified Training PackStreaming RediscoveredTo Stream or Not to Stream?Streaming vs Non-StreamingLegibilityAssessing Attitudes to Reading: What Can Teachers Do?What to Do While Waiting for the Reading Adviser to ArriveThe Decline in Jumping StandardsAdult Reading AssistanceGo and Look It Up YourselfNew Optimism About Pre-School EducationWho Cares for Children?Sources of SatisfactionSocial Behaviour and Classroom Learning: Polynesian and PakehaTeacher Stress: A BibliographyRemedial Reading at HomeThe Penrose Whanau Unit: A Case StudyTeacher Expectations and Classroom BehaviourThe Economics of Children in a Welfare StateProjecting Education ExpenditureHow Many People Can a Young Child Feel Secure With?Small is Beautiful: Some Effects of School Size on the Behaviour of PupilsThe Class Size Issue Rides AgainCatering for Individual DifferencesAssessing Internal AssessmentWhatever Happened to Programmed Learning?Assessing What They've LearnedEducational English as She is WrittenA Guide to Class NomenclatureInternational Year of Disabled PersonsEducational Directions For The Year 2000Testing the Reading Comprehension of Second Language Beginners: An Integrative ApproachThe Psychological and Social Effects of Youth UnemploymentDisruptive PupilsPlaygroup EcologyA Developmental Approach to Moral EducationClassroom Discussion and Questioning: Some Patterns and In-Service EffectsDoes Intelligence Equal Learning Ability?Teaching PracticesAchievement Test Scores in PerspectiveUsing Readability Formulas in the Classroom Young Children's Ordering BehaviourTransition from School: A Review of Research and its Relation to PolicyDon't Take that Dress Off JamesWhat Happened at Hermannsburg?Changing the Curriculum: Can We Do Better?Homework in Secondary SchoolsWho Structures the Curriculum: Teacher or Learner?Kids Can Write the First Week of SchoolCombining ScoresReading Words With Context and WithoutParents the Untapped Resource in Special EducationChildminderStudy Skills: Panacea, Placebo or Promise?Learning from PrintTroubled Times for Educational TestingWho Talks to William?Going to UniversitySilencing MinoritiesInitial Vocabularies for ReadingLearning to Cope with Failure In the Early School YearsProbing TechniquesFrom a Researcher's NotebookJenniferPocket CalculatorsChoosing a CalculatorCorporal PunishmentEvaluating WritingHow to use SetThe Ideal Family: A Study of the Views of Young AdultsBrought to MindComputer OverkillIt Was Good Fun Getting Here, But What Do I Do Now?Organizing for learningRows Versus TablesStand By Your DesksBreaking the Sound Barrier - Classroom Noise and Learning StyleDifficult-to-Teach Junior School ChildrenSpelling Genius at WorkEncouraging WritingClassroom ManagementLearning to Read NaturallyWhat Do We Know About Adolescent Reading?Selecting Appropriate Work ExperienceTest Bias? Test Bias?A Whanau in ActionThe Impact of Technology on our Multicultural CommunityCorporal Punishment: Help for TeachersClassroom Research by New TeachersObservation: The Basic TechniquesThe Neuropsychology of ReadingProblematic Aspects of Nuclear EducationThe Manager's JobWhat Do Children Learn From Being Read To?Investigating Race Relations in ClassHome VisitingA Baseline for Sex EducationInfernal Internal Assessment, Again!Management Strategies for the Multicultural ClassroomAdditional Qualifications: What Teachers PreferOnce Upon a Time, Amongst Blocks and Car CasesFamily ViolenceOne~Pulse Words: Short, Sweet, and to the PointWhat Joyce Learnt From Her MotherTeaching From a Learning Point of ViewlEA Written Composition StudyLooking UpPeer TutoringPeer PowerChildren's Views on Nuclear IssuesNow for Something Completely Different . ..Ten Years of Open PlanGrowing up in Great BritainNew Zealand Sign Language and the Aim of Total Communication for the DeafSigningIntegration at the Chalk FaceWhat Is It Like If It's Too Big To Grasp?Mainstreaming and the Science TeacherLab WorkThe Child at PlayTV Talk Too TerseSix Weeks Writing in Two Secondary School ClassroomsStaging Points in Personal NarrativeFamily NetworksDoes Remedial Maths Help?Using The SOLO TaxonomyComputers - How to Get StartedWriting with a Word ProcessorThere Are Numbers Behind the PianoInteractive TeachingTaking Care of Themselves: Children can do more than we thinkTeaching Sight-wordsImproving Tertiary LearningNow Fades the Glimmering...Good Readers Don't GuessTaking the Guesswork Out of Teaching ReadingMadder, Badder, SadderLearning and Shaping the FutureRace and EducationThey don't eat like usNo Need for 'Superteachers'How Rough is Rough and Tumble?Absent and Not ExcusedA School Discipline StrategyMaking the Leap Between Learning and DoingInvesting in Item BanksFacts About DyslexiaComputer Aid for DyslexicsWhy Male Control is IncreasingAre Children Being Indoctrinated?What Really Happens in the ClassroomThe Characteristics of Successful SchoolsThe Tools of Your Trade: How to Manipulate them When You Are Five Years OldReflective Thinking and School LearningWhat Sort of Health Education?Transition to School: The Children's ExperienceDifferent Approaches to Classroom DisciplinePupils Talk in MathsIn the PlaygroundAdjusting to SchoolMind Your LanguageCo-operative Learning Strategies for Mainstreaming/IntegrationRoom Management in Mainstreamed/Integrated ClassroomsSchools Won't Change & Schools Will Change: a commentaryVouchersWork, Jobs and UnemploymentFair Enough?New Vocabulary: How Do Children Learn New Words?Joys and FearsStep-familiesTeachers and Child Abuse PreventionBetter DiscussionHomework: A decade of researchWhat Doesn't Work: Explaining Policies of Retention in the Early GradesPromotion, Retention and AccelerationScientists: In and Out of SchoolYouth's Judgements about Social and Ethical IssuesTeenagersWhat Children Can Get Away WithClassroom Discipline and the Effective Self-Management of Teacher StressTalking to ControlSubversive Record KeepingOverview of Issues in School AssessmentI Must Finish This!I Taught Them, But They Didn't LearnHow to Help the Wrong PeoplePreschool Children's Learning StrategiesNumber Skills in Junior ClassroomsInflated Expectations, Qualifications and Job ProspectsManaging Energy in Schools'I Want My MTV' - Studying Music Videos in the ClassroomYoung Smokers: Rebellion, Conformity and ImitationChildren's Use of the Resources Families Provide'Engineers Don't Carry Handbags'?!Crossing the Divide: Transition from Primary to Secondary SchoolLearning and Teaching WritingThe 'Seville" Statement on ViolenceThe Deep Structure of SchoolingWhat's Keeping Them Back?!Will It Hurt? Teaching in Maori, or PitjantjatjaraTeach Learning StrategiesPredicting Individual Development'A' for Accept; 'R' for Reject - The Alphabet for Selecting and Promoting TeachersParticipation in Education Pattern Notes: A New Learning StrategyThe Female AthleteUnlocking The Great Secret: Writing Reveals ThinkingThe Psychology of Intergroup DiscriminationDealing With Conflict: Mediation Programmes in SchoolsThe Information Quest: A look at children as information seekersOwning Your Own WritingOn Being Insane in Sane PlacesExploratory Studies in Educational ComputingBeginning to Learn FractionsTeaching Economics Using the Media as a ResourceNetworking Style: How Principals Manage Curriculum ChangeHe Kupu nā ngā Ētita - EditorialMarae ā-kura: Tracing the birth of marae in schoolsCritical issues for whānau in English-medium schoolsIdentity Matters: Racial-ethnic identity and Māori studentsCulturally responsive leadership: How one principal in an urban primary school responded successfully to Māori student achievementMehemea ka moemoeā tātou, ka taea e tātouGifted and talentedIntegrating culturally responsive teaching and learning pedagogy in line with Ka HikitiaAromatawai reo ā-waha: Oral Māori-language assessment toolsLeading inquiry at a teacher level: It’s all about mentorshipOn teaching reading and being a readerStudent inquiry and curriculum integration: Shared origins and points of difference (Part A)Implementing curriculum integration: Three easy lessons from past practiceInquiry learning, drama and curriculum integrationImplementing values in the New Zealand curriculum: Four years onRespect in teaching and learning mathematics: Professionals who know, listen to and work with students“How can we teach them when they won’t listen?”: How teacher beliefs about Pasifika values and Pasifika ways of learning affect student behaviour and achievementThe Travellers programme: A way of supporting young people to manage their wellbeingPurpose-based writingNational Monitoring Study of Student Achievement: Wānangatia te putanga tauiraStudent-centred curriculum integration in action: "I was wondering if you could tell me how much one meat patty and one sausage costs?"EditorialEditorialStudent inquiry and curriculum integration: Ways of learning for the 21st century? (Part B)Exploring whole-school approaches to education for sustainability“You’ll feel fat and no one will want to marry you”: Responding to children’s ideas about healthUsing ICT to develop knowledge-building communities in subject English and the artsStudents’ understanding and searching of the InternetImproving learning opportunities: Why schools can’t do it on their ownLike minds learning well together: Improving academic, social, and emotional outcomes for gifted studentsAccess and opportunity: Student perceptions of dual and early enrolment at universityChecking the STAR normsStudent ethnicityEditorialTeacher perspectives on place-responsive outdoor educationTransitioning from talking democratically, to thinking democratically and acting democratically: Exploring student-centred approaches to curriculum implementation The challenge and value of learning and teaching in the artsStudent management systems in secondary schools The benefits of collaborative Content Representation (CoRe) design with experts for early career secondary teachers in science and technology How do teachers use picture books to draw on the cultural and linguistic diversity in their classrooms? English-language learners and the Progressive Achievement Test: Mathematics English-language learners and validity Accelerating writing achievement EditorialAre they ready to teach? Judging student teachers’ practiceImplementing e-network-supported inquiry learning in scienceWhat is a social inquiry? Crafting questions that lead to deeper knowledge about society and citizenshipIn their wor[l]ds: Embarking on appreciative inquiry to enhance student learningChildren’s views about geometry tasks in Māori-medium schools: Meeting Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori pāngarau (National Standards in mathematics)Successful transitions from early intervention to school-age special-education servicesCompetencies or capabilities: What’s in a name?Teaching as inquiry and the Hawthorne effectPAT: Punctuation and Grammar—a new resource to support literacyEditorialAn interview with Keri FacerReo and mātauranga Māori revitalisation: Learning visions for the future“Ah the serenity ...”: Absurd ideas about educational futuresSharpening New Zealand’s future focus: A scenaric stanceTransforming New Zealand schools as knowledge-building communities: From theory to practiceRethinking subject English for the knowledge age“The problem with the future is that it keeps turning into the present”: Preparing your students for their critically multiliterate future todayFour images of the futureCopiers do not collaborateA librarian’s take on the future of learningBook reviewEditorialInviting innovation: Leading meaningful change in schoolsWhat makes it science? Primary teacher practices that support learning about science“A degree of latitude”: Thinking historically and making holistic judgements about internally assessed NCEA course workThe shortage of students studying languages for NCEA Level 3“It means everything doesn’t it?” Interpretations of Māori students achieving and enjoying educational success “as Māori”Creating a new pathway for learning using education for sustainabilityValuing assessmentAssessment for learning, online tasks, and the new Assessment Resource BanksEarly warning systems in schools: Tracking and monitoring students’ progress using NCEA achievement dataUsing selected NCEA standards to profile senior students’ subject-area literacyEditorialTe reo Māori in classrooms: Current policy, future practiceClassroom interaction and language learning: English-language-learner vignettesLanguage and learning about linear scale: Talking the walkPrimary students’ perceptions of good teachersNew identity stories: An alternative to suspension and exclusion from schoolHow we care for students: Pastoral care and the role of the deanDeveloping learning partnerships through Mantle of the Expert at NCEA Drama Level 2Developing historical empathy: Showing progressComputer-administered vs paper-and-pencil tests: Is there a difference?EditorialLet’s talk about literacy: Preparing students for the transition to tertiary learningThe successful inclusion of pregnant and mothering students in New Zealand schoolsScience Engagement Survey: A new tool for primary scienceSolving summer slide: Strategies and suggestionsConnecting like-minded learners through flexible groupingPasifika Transformers—more than meets the eyeInvesting in the pretend: A drama inquiry process to support learning about the nature of scienceCurriculum integration in New Zealand secondary schools: Lessons learned from four “early adopter” schools“Let’s all hold hands and cross the line together!”: Competition and gifted learnersA new era for PAT: Mathematics —Online, interactive, and adaptiveEditorialTransitions from early childhood education to primary school: An interview with Sally PetersFostering peer learning during the transition to schoolLeading change with digital technologies in educationSnapshots from the field: Transforming outdoor education in the primary schoolTowards a culturally responsive and place-conscious theory of history teachingUsing multiplication and division contexts with young children to develop part–whole thinkingHow ambitious is “ambitious mathematics teaching”?Editorial“Every teacher has to come on board for our Māori students” He wero mō ngā kaiarahi wāhanga ako—the challenge for curriculum leadersImproving engagement and achievement for Year 11 Māori and Pasifika studentsDeveloping collaborative connections between schools and Māori communitiesEnglish-medium schools engaging whānau: Building relationships, creating spacesReconsidering home learning in the digital learning environment: The perspectives of parents, students, and teachersEngagement with learningStudent portfolios: Do they have a purpose?Does National Standards reporting help parents to understand their children’s learning?EditorialComputational thinking is more about humans than computersPlanning and implementing coding in the junior classroom for competency and thinking-skill developmentDeveloping science capabilities through drama: Learning about the nature of science through a guided drama–science inquiry processMoving ahead with the idea of science capabilities: What are teachers doing, seeing, and saying?Teacher inquiry through impact projects: One school’s journeyEngaging student voice in teachers’ inquiriesBlue sky highTimely and urgentRediscovering the ARBsEditorialDesigning curriculum literaciesTeacher experiences of a school-based mindfulness programmeSpecial education costs in New Zealand: What are direct family members paying?Assessment capability for New Zealand teachers and students: Challenging but possiblePortfolios that improve your teaching practice and career prospectsActs of learning worth learning fromCreating collaborative effectiveness: One school’s approachTeaching as inquiry in an appraisal contextAssessing students’ maths self-efficacy and achievementEditorialWhose citizenship anyway?Māori cultural citizenship educationPlanning for critically informed, active citizenship: Lessons from social-studies classroomsAdvancing young citizens’ political literacy through social-sciences curriculaCritical literacy in support of critical-citizenship education in social studiesMaking the most of citizenship learning across cultural institutionsImproving political literacy by design: Voter advice applications for young New ZealandersActive citizenship for a sustainable future: Beyond school learningJust get out of their way! Enabling young Kiwis to make a differenceInspiring young people to connect with and contribute to their cityUN Youth New Zealand: Civics education outside the traditional classroom contextThe next step in the journeyAsk AwayCivic and citizenship education: Experiences from the classroomEducation through ParliamentThe Electoral Commission and schoolsWhat is “Set: Research Information for Teachers Online First”?EditorialKa Whānau mai te Reo: Supporting whānau reo Māori development during educational transitionsExploring the knowledge and development of academic English vocabulary of students in New Zealand secondary schoolsCollaborative literacy practice at secondary levelA summer reading programmeWhat does an effective teacher of writing do that makes a difference to student achievement?Learning Languages in schools: Making a difference through reflection on practiceOn or off screen: Reading in a digital ageEditorialChildren researching their own experiences: Lessons from the Canterbury earthquakesSchool leadership in a post-disaster settingWhat encourages and constrains parent participation on boards of trustees of low-decile primary schools?Teacher transition between year levels: An argument for professional learningConstructivism: Clearing up the confusion between a theory of learning and “constructing” knowledgeVideo and vā: Caring for relationality in Pasifika educationListening to and learning from Pacific families: The art of building home–school relationships at secondary level to support achievementFamily knowledge and practices useful in Tongan boys’ educationThe National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement: Wānangatia te Putanga TauiraUntangling constructivism, knowledge, and knowledge-building for “future-oriented” teachingEditorialTwice-exceptional learners in New Zealand schools: Teacher perspectivesProving that proof has a place in the primary classroomAn innovative approach to assessing more complex outcomes of learningActivities to support rich learning: Assessing progression in social studiesTeaching literacy in a time of environmental crisisMāori literacies: Ecological perspectivesMore than words: Culturally and environmentally responsive literacies in The Arts“I fear Kiribati will be gone forever”: Exploring eco-literacy in one Social Sciences classroomLocating eco-critical literacy in secondary EnglishA return to assessment for learning: Back to the futureEditorialCultural relationships for responsive pedagogy: A bicultural mana ōrite perspective“I can’t wait to get to maths”: Ako in mathematics teaching and learningHow can a makerspace in the school setting support increased motivation, engagement, and achievement for Pasifika and Māori learners?Guided reading: Being mindful of the reading processing of new entrants in Aotearoa New Zealand primary schoolsSupporting teacher agency when planning and implementing inclusive classroom programmesNew directions in sexuality and relationships educationEditorialThe development of markers of personalisation—harnessing the power of digital technologies“Most time I can’t understand”: Lessons from Chinese international students at risk of not achievingDeveloping mathematical inquiry communities: Enacting culturally responsive, culturally sustaining, ambitious mathematics teachingUsing collaborative inquiry to examine equity-linked problems of practicePedagogical scaffolding: Resourcing children’s amazing capacity to learn and uptake languageThe who, what, when, where, and why of SOLO taxonomyExciting innovations for assessment in Aotearoa New ZealandResearching game-based learning practices in Aotearoa New ZealandEditorialConversations between a teacher and game designer: Redesigning a teaching game about Māori–Pākehā historiesParticipatory game design as education for sustainability: Lessons from a Japanese university campusPlayification of the curriculum: Learnings from collaborative classroom researchPlay: A secondary concern?Examining the teacher’s role in play-based learning: One teacher’s perspectivePlay-based learning in an Aotearoa New Zealand classroom: Child, parent, teacher and school leader perspectivesPlay-based learning: Questions and invitations from early childhood educationWriting authentically through playA regional network to develop play-based learningA quest for gameful practice: Edu-LARP and First CRESTPlay, games and culture: How games transformed my pedagogical practiceSound Bytes—Integrating music and digital technologies through game developmentGames: The social tools handed down by our tūpunaMaking a difference: Agents of change through curriculum integrationT-shaped literacy skills: An emerging research-practice hypothesis for literacy instructionA fairer assessment of the reading level of English language learners Making the invisible visible: The importance of disciplinary literacy practice in secondary classroomsThe effect of individual teachers’ content knowledge on the identification of gifted studentsLe Tuiga: Samoan constructs of giftedness and talent within a Samoan bilingual educational contextTeaching about resilience, mental health, and hauoraAssessing and building wellbeing Pōwhiri: A ritual of encounter framework for engaging with whānauWorking towards wellbeingEditorialEditorialA uniquely Aotearoa-informed approach to evaluating information using the Rauru Whakarare Evaluation FrameworkSocio-scientific issues in primary schoolsLearning mathematics together in a newly established innovative learning environmentWarming up the Treaty—Whakamahanatia te TiritiDeveloping student agency through motivationally anchored instructionThinking critically about PISAIt Worked! Supporting robust data analysis in a CoLEditorialR*E*S*P*E*C*T: A value vital for Pasifika learnersThrough my brown eyes: Niuean school boys’ experiences in two New Zealand secondary schoolsChanging the conversation (Toe fetu’una’i manatunatuga): Exploring and utilising the attributes that are culturally embedded in Pacific students to improve their learning experiences in the classroomJade Speaks Up: Developing teachers’ confidence with drama conventions to enhance health education learningInquiring about values: Enhancing consultation through critical research ethicsDeliberate acts of language learning: A support for teachers and learners of te reo MāoriApproaching classroom assessment after the NCEA reviewComputational thinking in primary mathematicsDeliberate acts of language learning: A support for teachers and learners of te reo MāoriJade Speaks upA uniquely Aotearoa-informed approach to evaluating information using the Rauru Whakarare Evaluation FrameworkWorking towards wellbeingTeaching about resilience, mental health, and hauoraPlay: A secondary concern?Play, games and culture: How games transformed my pedagogical practiceGames: The social tools handed down by our tūpunaThe development of markers of personalisation—harnessing the power of digital technologiesThe who, what, when, where, and why of SOLO taxonomyUsing collaborative inquiry to examine equity-linked problems of practiceCultural relationships for responsive pedagogy: A bicultural mana ōrite perspectiveTeacher experiences of a school-based mindfulness programmeComputational thinking is more about humans than computersPlanning and implementing coding in the junior classroom for competency and thinking-skill developmentChildren researching their own experiences: Lessons from the Canterbury earthquakesSchool leadership in a post-disaster settingOn or off screen: Reading in a digital ageEditorialMaking learning visible in Health and Physical Education: Teachers’ stories Using pūrākau as a pedagogical strategy to explore Māori cultural identitiesDeveloping science capabilities for citizenship through participation in online citizen science (OCS) projects Reflections on a 20-year statistics education research journey, 1999–2019 On being data detectives: Developing novice statisticians using the statistical enquiry cycle Teacher inquiry in a Māori-medium modern learning environment“Tu’utu’u le upega i le loloto—Cast the net into deeper waters”: Using research and practice to rethink mathematics pedagogy: Let’s dance!Puna kōrero: Learning from the parents of Māori and Pasifika studentsDeveloping insights about student learning: Lessons from the National Monitoring Study of Student AchievementMaking the most of learning from home during times of crisisMaking the most of learning from home during times of crisisPuna kōrero: Learning from the parents of Māori and Pasifika studentsPlaying maths games for positive learner identitiesHow might research on schools’ responses to earlier crises help us in the COVID-19 recovery process?How might research on schools’ responses to earlier crises help us in the COVID-19 recovery process?Opportunities to reframe moderation practices in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic Opportunities to reframe moderation practices in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemicEditorialGoal monitoring: A crucial lever to achieve school improvementEditorialGoal monitoring: A crucial lever to achieve school improvementIt's a 'we' thing: Five principles of collaborative teaching, with implications for school leadershipFlourishing EOTC in Aotearoa New Zealand: Challenges and solutionsEducation outside the classroom: Reinforcing learning from the visit using mixed realityTeaching the New Zealand Wars: Iwi- and hapū-led historiesBuilding the moral imperative to do better by Māori students: A Pākehā teacher’s reflectionLessons from leading through COVID-19: Secondary principals’ perspectivesEditorialClimate strikes: Their value in engaging and educating secondary school studentsRecycling as seduction: Critiquing the practice of climate-change education from a primary classroomEnvisioning a better future through interrelatedness and whanaungatangaTackling climate-science learning through futures thinkingHow can New Zealand schools respond to climate change?Climate Change: Prepare Today, Live Well Tomorrow—A reviewNurturing hope: From climate-change worriers to eco-warriorsSocial agency and ecoliteracy: Seeds of change for teacher education in uncertain climate futuresSea change: Designing curriculum for a bright and optimistic futureTeaching science concepts relevant to climate change without getting lost in the complexityEditorialKaiako and stakeholders’ perceptions about Māori partial-immersion environments’ contribution to Māori-medium educationService: A deeply meaningful value vital for Pacific learnersKnowledge, agency, and curriculum integration Who loves maths? Exploring ways to foster primary-aged learners’ positive emotions during mathsThe challenge of teaching children mathematics through meaningful problem-solvingLearning to teach from homeLessons from leading through COVID-19: Secondary principals’ perspectivesEditorial -- Set no. 1 2020 -- post 2020 Level 4Learning to teach from homeEditorialSee me, know me, believe in me: Reimagining Pasifika student success as Pasifika in visual artsActs of magic: Prototyping in innovative learning environmentsPersuasion via gamification: Supporting positive behaviour for learning (PB4L) school-wide pedagogyCreative agency in actionBuilding capacity for climate-change education in Aotearoa New Zealand schools Drawing and labelling: New ways of answering questions on the Assessment Resource BanksTowards ethical curriculum development: Perspectives from the interface of mātauranga Māori and Western scienceEditorialStrengthening teacher–librarian partnershipsTeaching in superdiverse multicultural classrooms: Ideas from New Zealand secondary school teachersSchool leadership through COVID-19: A tale of two Auckland secondary school principalsAronuitia te reo: Insights from the National Monitoring Study of Student AchievementPlace-based learning: Reflections on the value of repeated field tripsUsing nature sanctuaries to consider sustainable futuresEditorialKo ngā kete o te wānanga: A beginner’s guide to understanding mātauranga MāoriFrom early childhood to the first year of school: Connecting practices for mathematics learning and teachingPlanning for writing: What the results of NMSSA tell us about students’ use of planning strategiesWhat makes a difference in writing instruction when working with priority learners: An inquiry into effective teacher practiceReading deeply: Interpreting literary texts in primary and intermediate schoolOnline talk in a New Zealand primary-school contextNew assessment developments in AotearoaEditorialThe realisation of Pasifika success when schools de-silo Pacific students’ lives: “Pasifika mo Pasifika”Fijian Indian students' perceptions towards group work in New Zealand classroomsResource teachers of learning and behaviour (RTLB) support for twice exceptional studentsTeachers as readers: Listening to, reading, and talking about stories – for pleasureThe power of picturebooks for language and identityKey factors that influence students’ motivation to learn: Implications for teachingThinking about assessment from an end-to-end perspectiveEditorial: Listen to what students sayThe rights of the child and what this means for teachersRecognising rangatahi as active agents in advocating for their rights to whānau ora and collective wellbeing in educationYoung people’s perspective of the inclusion of school-based resourcing for menstruation Young Asian students holding on to their culture: Their messages for teachersAdolescents’ experiences of identity development in schoolingA political and policy intersection where success depends on all of usHow Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) influences young people’s learningSecondary students’ perceptions of their school’s disciplinary processesAddressing issues of equity: Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) mathematicsEditorialLearning is fun, or at least it should beRongohia te Hau: Better understanding the theories underpinning cultural relationships for responsive pedagogyTe Puna Taiao: How can our outdoor spaces provide meaningful interactions for tamariki and communities?Learning from each other: A framework from the fieldProfessional learning in mathematicsConversations about complex issuesEditorialDesigning bespoke professional learning and development by being purposeful and open-ended, offering space, and playingWorking towards wellbeing rests on whanaungatanga and partnershipsBecoming an ally: Decolonising a New Zealand classroomFa’a Pasifika: Moving beyond culturally sustaining educationTraining an AI rover for Mars: Why and how? Making NCEA assessment more equitable: Can UDL principles help?EditorialDesettling science through partnershipDeveloping student food waste literacy Primary school technology curriculum’s computational thinkingTeacher perspectives of a place-responsive curriculum initiative: A case studyStudent leader perspectives of a place-responsive initiativeBeyond quick answers: Encouraging a problem-solving mindset in assessmentsTū tangata: Culturally encompassing physical activity and its impact on the mental wellbeing and academic achievement of Pacific talavouEmotional literacy: The leadership gold dustTeaching the mana model—A Māori framework for reconceptualising student success and thriving Considering the assessment landscape in 2024EditorialSupporting Māori learners through bicultural teacher–parent partnerships using the PATI modelFrom key competencies to science capabilities and on to enduring competencies: Tracing the trajectory of an idea Deep and connected learning through hypothetical learning trajectoriesScience journeys of Pacific learners: Myths and realities