Vital connections: Why we need more than self-managing schools

Vital connections: Why we need more than self-managing schools

Publication year

What was the real effect of the radical Tomorrow’s Schools reforms? Has New Zealand’s school system improved as a result? What changes are needed now to meet our expectations of schools?

This is the definitive and compelling story of New Zealand school self-management over more than two decades. Cathy Wylie explores the paths taken and the growing tensions of a system that left too much to chance.

Her analysis of how well the reforms have delivered is set against what we now know about how to nurture the most effective teaching and learning in schools. She makes a cogent and deeply researched case that New Zealand needs more than self-managing schools. She argues that stronger connections and better support across our education system are vital, not only to make gains in student achievement for all but to get much better value for our education dollar. This book contains hard-hitting recommendations for change..

It is essential reading for school leaders, teachers, policy makers, politicians and anyone who wants to understand what lies behind effective teaching and learning.

ISBN: 978-1-927151-57-0


Digital editions

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